

    Movie » Batman released on June 23, 1989.

    The first film in the Batman universe. Featuring Michael Keaton as Batman and Jack Nicholson as the Joker.

    Short summary describing this movie.

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    Average score of 11 user reviews

    Batman 1

       The first of the Tim Burton then later Joel Scumacher series is an excellant film with action,excitement,and good acting. Jack Nicholson makes an excellant Joker but dosn't out due Heath Ledger. I wasn't crazy about Michael Keaton as Batman; he was a good actor but his fighting technique as Batman wasn't impressive. It gave a more homicidal version of Joker compared to the one in the Adam West's Batman film. It was the best Batman movie out of the 4 part series. Harvey Dent was a black guy wh...

    10 out of 16 found this review helpful.

    23 Years 2

    For nearly a quarter century, Adam West, and Olan Soule reigned in live action and animation as Batman. They were not known as The Batman, but as Batman, or The Caped Crusader rather than The Dark Knight. With Robin, The Boy Wonder, known as The Dynamic Duo. Part of the Super Friends, hangin' out with Scooby Doo. This Batman smiled. He taught kids lessons about safety and brushing their teeth. Legend has it Adam West was actually shot out of a cannon as Batman. That might be in both his book and...

    7 out of 9 found this review helpful.

    The Best Film of the 80's 5

    In 1989 Tim Burton stormed the world with Batman a new kind of superhero movie, not like the cheery Superman but a dark vigilante instead.  I've seen this movie many times and every time I love this movie more.  From Danny Elfman's amazing score to Michael Keaton's great performance as the Batman this movie defines the superhero genre. While at the time Michael Keaton may have seemed like an odd choice for The Dark Knight but proves he is more than worthy of wearing the cowl. He really understan...

    6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

    Winged Freak Terrorizes....Wait Till They Get A Load Of Me 1

    By The Angry Comic Book Critic       I'm just going to come right out and Say it I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!! This is one of the greatest super-hero films of all time staring some of the biggest names ever to grace the Silver screen JACK FUCKING NICHOLSON and MICHAEL KEATON The greatest Batman ever next to Kevin Conroy. This film is top notch and gives the world Batman as he was meant to be Dark, Brooding and the world's greatest detective all wrapped in one unlike that horse shit Adam West show which ...

    4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

    Celebration ! 1

    Welcome ladies and gents this is my 100th review here on Comic Vine.Ever since I first made my account back in July the first thing I loved about this website was the review section because im the kind of guy that wants his opinion to be know and all the reviews I did were my,except this one.Now some of you might wonder want I will review but you problably already saw the title so im reviewing Batman '89.  The first time I saw this movie back in November.Yeah you read that right.The main reason ...

    3 out of 6 found this review helpful.

    Doesn't portray every aspect of Batman, but still satisfying. 0

    Batman the movie was a recipe for disaster.  You have Tim Burton, fresh from directing the quirky comedy "Beetlejuice," and you have Michael Keaton who starred in many comedy roles, including the wackiest character in "Beetlejuice." Now I wasn't alive in the 1980's, but if I was, I'd be a bit worried about how this Batman would turn out. Luckily, Batman is a true classic, and although Tim Burton doesn't push all the right buttons, he gets it mostly right. We'll start with the story. Batman is re...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    Fantastic Revelation 2

    The 1989 Batman movie was a huge and fantastic revelation for me. After the Superman movies that I had watched as a kid, there hadn’t been that many superhero movies or shows that seized my attention like this movie did. Batman totally blew me away as technology and special effects had finally caught up with the movie industry that they could finally start bringing superheroes to life and actually make them look cool. What truly amazed me was the Batman Suit—he looked like a pure cre...

    4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

    The Dark Knight Begins 0

    This is my all time favorite comic book film. Michael Keaton gives the performance of this mysterious man perfectly. It gives you all you need to know, yet you still want to know more. It takes his basic origin story and creates a noir type feel to it. Gotham City has never looked darker and Batman has never looked cooler. Maybe it is just since I grew up with this in my childhood, making it a bit more biased, but if I didn't love this movie so much, I wouldn't care enough to review it since th...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Someone should have gagged Basinger with a bat-sock. 0

    Taking place in the crime laden Gotham City, the criminal element runs rampant terrorizing its citizens. They have very little respect for the police force and there's even cops on the take. The mayor is doing what he can to restore order for the sake of the citizens, and also hopes to control the crime in time for the city's festival. Batman (Michael Keaton), a costumed vigilante does his part in combating the criminals. Unbeknownst to him, one of his crusades leads to the birth of a psychotic ...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    Na-na-na-nah BATMAN 0

    It makes me so happy to see that gold sleek logo on the front of my paper VHS movie sleeve. Ahh, the good ol' days. But all reminiscing aside, this movie is good. It's Tim Burton's first crack at the franchise and he did well. Now I know that this generation is tainted by the amazing performance of Health Ledger becoming-er, portraying the Joker, but if you were going to cast someone else to fill that role who else could grin that wide grin better than Nicholson? No one. Take it for the lovely ...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    Batman Endgame (Spoilerish) 0

    What's scarier then a monster that has no regard for life, laughs at death and supposedly can't die? An angry monster that has no regard for life, laughs at death and supposedly can't die. In this arc Joker loosely claims that he is "the pale man" a supposedly immortal demon who has been there since the beginning of Gotham doing what he always does. Wreaking havoc. Snyder really turns Joker into something that Joker was meant to be. Terrifying. After reading this arc very night I would lock ever...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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