
    Batman Giant #7

    Batman Giant » Batman Giant #7 - Batman Universe Part 5 released by DC Comics on 2019.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Batman Universe Part 5 last edited by Superkitty on 08/03/22 11:48PM View full history

    1. Batman Universe Part 5: Batman finds himself on the alien planet Thanagar (reprinted from: Batman Universe (DC 2019) issue 3)

    2. Hush Chapter Seven The Joke: Can James Gordon prevent Batman from killing the Joker? (reprinted from Batman (DC, 1940) issue 614)

    3. Turning Points: Nightwing battles Saiko (reprinted from Nightwing (DC, 2011) issue 7)

    4. Night Terror: Harley Quinn goes to a roller derby, gets in a bar fight, and has assassins after her, maybe Poison Ivy can help (reprinted from Harley Quinn (DC, 2014) issue 7 under the title "Nocturnal Omission")


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