

    Team » Atlanteans appears in 996 issues.

    A water breathing species known as Homo Mermani who occupied sunken Atlantis and built an undersea empire in the Atlantic Ocean.

    Short summary describing this team.

    Atlanteans last edited by brocktonian on 02/21/23 09:14AM View full history

    Atlanteans are from the undersea kingdom of Atlantis.

    Notable Atlanteans: Rulers, Warlords, Statesmen, Scientists

    Ancient Atlanteans

    Braddock Academy

    Last Emperor

    In the Reign of Namor the First

    Other Media

    Marvel Cinematic Universe

    Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

    The Talokans are an underwater species who occupy Talokan City and lead by Namor. They were created by consuming their own version of the Heart Shaped Herb, which took away their ability to breathe air.


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