
    Armor Hunters Special #1

    Armor Hunters Special » Armor Hunters Special #1 released by DMG/Valiant Entertainment on May 2014.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    The "Armor Hunters", a group of the universe's fiercest warriors, have come to destroy the X-O Manowar for the good of all. What horrible secrets does the armor hold? And how many armors have they destroyed before this one? These answers and more are revealed in the Valiant Universe event of 2014 - and it all starts right here with exclusive previews, character designs, and interviews from the biggest guns the Valiant Universe has to offer!



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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    Valiant Comic's second FCBD special, but totally unnecessary. 0

    FCBD 2014 Reviews: Future's End and Valiant Universe Handbook. Want to know what is in store for X-O Manowar and the Armor Hunters story arc? What about Rai in his new monthly series? Well Valiant Comics has a preview or two for you to wet your appetite for the Valiant 'Verse. The GoodArmor Hunters checklist. It was free. Thankfully, this Valiant comic was free and offered at FCBD 2014 for the price of nothing. And this free FCBD Valiant comic gave me a nice spread photo of the Valiant character...

    2 out of 3 found this review helpful.
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