Year One: Truth and Justice last edited by palsunstar on 05/06/23 06:20PM View full history

    The story flashes back to ten years ago when Superman first arrived in Metropolis. He ended a standoff between terrorists and a S.W.A.T. team, rescued children from a fire, apprehended bank robbers, prevented a subway disaster, and foiled an armored car heist. But despite all that opinions on Superman were sharply divided. Some, like S.W.A.T. Captain Reagan, claim that he is a menace who would never be given a badge, yet routinely takes the law into his own hands. While others like Sergeant Dan Turpin see him as a great asset in the war on crime. And still others like Officer Maggie Sawyer and Detective Henderson are unsure how the police should proceed. 
    While the general public is still in awe of this newcomer, and reporters like Lois Lane are scrambling to get the first interview with him, the reaction from Metropolis' criminal underworld is quite different. Called together by Ugly Manheim, son of crime lord Boss Moxie, they unite under the banner Intergang.
    Intergang takes over a luxury hotel, and the police and S.W.A.T. teams show up only to learn that Intergang has Maggie Sawyer hostage, is armed with technology the likes of which they've never seen, and a super powered ally of their own, the alien Kalibak! Can even Superman save them?



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    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.


    none of this issue.

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    This Should Have Been the Script for 'Superman Returns' 0

    I find it more than a little baffling that we continually get such lackluster big screen Superman films when Warner Brothers is literally sitting on a mountain of good material. The big budget film Superman Returns, for example featured a tired old script with Lex Luthor once again planning to take over the world by reconfiguring the world's landscape and killing millions of people in the process (just like in Superman: The Movie). The movie probably would have been much better off if they had...

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