
    Adventure Comics #2

    Adventure Comics » Adventure Comics #2 - The Boy of Steel, Part Two released by DC Comics on November 2009.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Superboy is back and living out his teenage years in Smallville. But all is not as it seems in Superman's hometown. And while Conner reunites with his former girlfriend, Wonder Girl, to see if they have a future together, Lex Luthor and Brainiac form a partnership that will cause havoc throughout the DC Universe. But what do their plans have to do with Conner and the other students at Smallville High? Plus, in the Legion of Super-Heroes co-feature, which takes place all the way in the 31st century, Lightning Lad travels to the prison planet of Takron-Galtos to confront his brother, Lighting Lord. There, Lightning Lord informs Lighting Lad of a shocking family secret that sets the pieces in motion for a war that will decide the future of the universe. Yeah, the universe. No big.



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    Average score of 3 user reviews

    Sweethearts 0

    At issue 2, the new Adventure Comics was still in its infancy, but still wonderful. At the top of Johns' agenda in writing Superboy back into mainstream DC, he must reconcile Conner's relationships with his former teammates. At the risk of sounding silly I say this. This is a very sweet book. That's not to say that Adventure Comics is sugary tales of Conner and Krypto frolicking and eating Ma Kent's pie, but it is enjoyable and fairly light. There are some big issues explored and conflict does e...

    3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    Reunion of the Century! 0

    Well, Superboy's back and well... What shall he do now? Why you may have guessed! Reunite with the Outside world and call his ex-girlfriend to tell her he's alive!  This issue was probably the best of the series and I do not regret picking it up from the news stands.  By the end of the issue, Superboy and Wonder Girl reunite after she tells him she cheated on him with his best friend while he was dead. Seeing how he reacted made me love him so much more since he's like the perfect man! (Like a B...

    3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    DC Strikes Gold with Adventure Comics 0

    I know this is only issue #2 but I've been loving the new Adventure Comics. The return of Conner Kent to the proper DCU has been nothing short of stellar thanks to some exceptional writing from Geoff Johns and great artwork from Francis Manapul. In an industry where most comics tend to focus on costumed heroes beating up bad guys (which is great, BTW), this is turning out to be one of the sweetest titles around. You have Conner laying low in Smallville, hanging out with Ma' Kent and Krypto and j...

    3 out of 3 found this review helpful.
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