

    Concept » 9/11 appears in 74 issues.

    The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 in New York City, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania.

    Short summary describing this concept.

    9/11 last edited by The_Kidd on 06/20/21 01:08AM View full history


    On September 11, 2001, four United Airlines planes were hijacked. Two of the planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, killing thousands. The third plane crashed into the Pentagon, albeit with much less casualties, while the last plane's passengers had cellphones and learned of the earlier attacks, so they decided to revolt against the hijackers, and the plane ended up crash-landing in a field in Pennsylvania and averting a final terrorist attack directed at the White House.

    On September 14, President Bush declared a national emergency. Him and other Western leaders used this moment to rally public support to wage war in Afghanistan and more controversially in Iraq. Congress had authorized the use of force to fight whoever attacked the U.S.

    Since then, airport securities everywhere were tightened, intelligence organizations became more aggressive in their operations, prejudice against Muslims in the West heightened, while Libertarianism bloomed as a result.

    In conclusion, the 9/11 struck American citizens deeply after a decade of peace and hope during the 1990's. After decades of fighting fascism and communism, the world now has to face a new, flourishing extremist ideology.

    Cultural impact

    A period of both grief and distrust followed the 9/11 attacks. Americans were traumatized. They donated food, money, supplies, and time for the recovery effort. They protested together to demonstrate their unity and resolve. Most of the population became wary of more attacks, and artists responded with many of their works depicting attacks which compromised national security and American standing as the world's most influential superpower.

    Portrayal in comics

    In the aftermath of 9/11, many comics dealt with the attacks in various ways. There were benefit anthologies, comics that used it as a theme in the story or non-fiction books.

    Benefit Books

    Every major comics company published an anthology that donated its money to a 9/11 fund.

    9/11 in Stories

    Non-Fiction Comics


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