nguyethang's Wonder Woman #89 - Home review

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    Will Diana accept Circe’s bargain?

    This issue of Wonder Woman #33 continues directly from the events of the previous issue, as the Amazonian princess finds herself locked in a fierce battle against the powerful sorceress, Circe. Circe is an ancient and immortal enemy of Wonder Woman, who has a penchant for turning humans into animals and fanning the flames of gender alienation. Just before Diana realizes that something is amiss, an interesting altercation takes place. Frustrated that her initial plan has failed, Circe decides to change tactics and makes Diana an offer she can’t refuse - the return of Themyscira in exchange for the life of an innocent. Themyscira is the lost home of the Amazons, which was banished to another dimension by Circe’s magic. Diana is torn between her loyalty to her sisters and her compassion for the innocent victim, who turns out to be none other than Donna Troy, the new Wonder Woman. Will Diana accept Circe’s bargain, or will she find another way to save both Themyscira and Donna?

    Other reviews for Wonder Woman #89 - Home

      The Witch is Back! 0

      This issue carries on directly from the last one as Wonder Woman is forced to fight Circe.  There was an interesting altercation immediately before Diana realizes something is wrong.  Seeing that her plan isn't working Circe instead tells Diana she will return Themyscira providing that she takes the life of an innocent.  For the second time in three issues this story features a prostitute dressed as Wonder Woman (though the last time it sort of was Diana), which is a streak the creative team mig...

      5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

      Interesting Cover 0

      I wonder if Circe was intended to serve as a metaphor for all the purple and blue-haired SJW weirdos that would one day come en masse to infiltrate and kill what was once an entertaining and profitable comics industry. Maybe, maybe not, but it's fitting cover regardless....

      1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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