

    Team » Vulturions appears in 17 issues.

    Using the designs of the Vulture, four petty criminals, Honcho, Gripes, Sugar Face, and Pigeon re-invented themselves as the super-villain gang known as The Vulturions. Their ranks were thinned to three after The Vulture killed one of the members (though he wanted to kill all four)

    Short summary describing this team.

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    While in prison with Adrian Toomes AKA The Vulture, a drug dealer who went by the street name Honcho formed a friendship with the super-villain that eventually led to Toomes explaining to Honcho how his flight harness worked. Upon his parole Honcho built flight suits similar to the Vulture's for himself and three other criminals who he had met in prison a pair of muggers who went by the names Gripes and Sugar Face, and a socially awkward pickpocket known as Pigeon, all three of which, like Honcho, were in prison because of being caught by Spider-Man. As the Vulturions the four began robbing banks, and due to Spider-Man fighting an inner battle against the Venom Symbiote were initially successfull, but of course this changed after Spidey rid himself of the other, and he made fairly short work of the four costumed thugs.

    In recent days the Vulturions came at odds with the Initiative, in particular MVP's 3 clones The Scarlet Spiders.

    The Wake

    Taking a page from the Vulturions, the Vulture decided to use various young adults to create The Wake, which is what a group of Vultures is known as. The Wake were sent by the Vulture using updated gear based on Toomes original flight harness with electronic whips and claws as offensive weapons. The Wake would perform various heists for the Vulture, but if they tried to steal the earnings or crossed him in anyway, he would shut down their harnesses and have them fall to the ground. Eventually, a string of late teens began to show up in the aftermath of Spider Island. The police believed that it was a group of various teens and young adults who were still trying to copy Spider-man after the event, but it was realized by Carlie Cooper that the falls seemed to be in midair. After being taken off the case, Cooper sought Peter Parker to help her solve the homicides and eventually discovered that all of the dead members were part of the same night club that was owned by the Vulture. After a failed heist lead to another member of the Wake having their powers turned off by Toomes. Spider-man and Cooper fought the Wake and the Vulture. Spider-man used his magnetic webbing to disrupt the Wake's flight harnesses, but the Vulture used his gravity manipulating powers to throw a water tower at Carlie, leaving Spider-man no choice, but to rescue Carlie and the Vulture escaped. However, Toomes intends to rebuild the Wake.


    The Vulturions were created by Louise Simonson and Greg Larocque in 1985 and first appeared in Web of Spider-Man # 1.


    Honcho: Leader of the team, and the only one who understands how the Vulturion's flight harnesses function. Not only is he the leader, but also the technical expert of the group. He was formerly a con-man and drug dealer.

    Pigeon: Pigeon was a pickpocket who was caught by Spider-Man, he has a problem with studdering and seems extremely nervous.

    Sugar Face: A bully and mugger who was nothing more then a petty criminal who muscled people weaker then himself (first seen mugging an old woman who had just cashed her social security check alongside Gripes despite Pigeon's objections)

    Gripes: Just a low class thug who is always up for a crime


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