comicbookheretic's Superman #703 - Grounded, Part Three review

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    Ohio here we come

    Let us start with a look at fantastic Bermejo variant!   

    Speed Review:  Get out and buy this and you won't regret it!   

    That's done..Ok now on to the review! 
    I am a huge Superman fan and have to say that I am finding Stracznski's run, however short it has been, an original perspective on the character, well if not original at least fresh.  The "man on the street" perspective has been fun.  However, the issues that a certain be-cowled hero raises are spot on!  The issues addresses that question, brought up by readers as well, in a good way.  The old if you think a bad thought it will happen superstition kind of finds its way into the pages too!  Too many people have chalked this direction for Superman up to a waste of a good character but I would say that it is a great use of a character that needed a fresh take and direction.  Not to say I didn't enjoy Robinson's run because I did, for the most part.    If you have Stracznski's run give it a try.  
    Eddy Barrows' art is in top notch form here!  As are the colors in the issue!  So in short the visuals are very strong and I can see why Barrows was given this high profile book.  
    4.5 out of 5 and a strong recommendation to buy this book!

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      Honestly, I've hated JMS' run on Superman thus far. I get what he's going for. He's trying to use Superman as a vehicle for philosophical discussions on personal responsibility. All I've seen thus far, however, are a bunch of straw man arguments set up against whatever message JMS wants to get across. The result is a smug set of lectures promoting the specific beliefs of one man: JMS. Without any intelligent or reasonable counter-argument to JMS' philosophies, we have an uneven argument and an i...

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      While J. Michael Straczynski's run for Superman is only three issues (and some change) deep at the moment, it has raised some considerable ire amongst fans of the series.  Many have seen his take on the Man of Steel as uncharacteristic, going against the grain of what we know from Superman.  It's in that frame of mind that makes #703 such a crucial issue, as it really delves into what this first story arc from JMS is trying to drive home.  All the while, a bigger picture is coming out of James R...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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