
    Spawn #8

    Spawn » Spawn #8 - In Heaven (Everything is Fine) released by Image on February 1993.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Average score of 4 user reviews

    Afterlife 0

    What happens when sinners die? Billy Kincaid, one of societies sickest child killers has landed himself in one of the many spheres of hell. Without rules or answers, billy must rely on the help of a lost girl who guides a party of damned souls throughout the inner sphere of the underworld. One by one, the group members are taken by the inhabitants of the land of the dead. In the end, only Billy and girl remain, one thing leads to another and surprise surprise, the girl turns into a demon toad. W...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Walk down Memory Lane 0

    This is the story of what happens to Billy Kincaid after his death and gives a glimpse of what life in Hell is really like.  Also we are treated with the very rare and special pleasure of seeing one of the five Phlebiac Brothers (all of whom, excluding the Violator, have never been used to their fullest potential in my humble opinion) in action: the Vindicator. Posing as a young child to tempt Kincaid, the Vindicator plays the role of telling Kincaid about various parts of Hell while dragging hi...

    0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    Spawn issue 8 0

    For me this is one of the greatest spawn issues of all time. While not fully focusing on Al Simmons we turn our attention to the Eighth Sphere of Hell.It follows Billy Kincaid as he goes through hell. The best part about this issue would be Vindicator(for me at least). Everything he says is funny. Alan Moore truly delivers with a great story, but I feel this is very fillerish(not fully focusing on the main story). That should not take away though the greatness of this issue. Todd McFarlane's art...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Special Hell 0

    Early 90's Image ComicsFour words that for any comic book reader are usually associated with utter crap. However, even the biggest Image haters tend to admit that Todd McFarlane's series, Spawn is one of the few bright spots in that dank hell hole of bad comics and 90's artwork. Though I know the basic premise of the character, I have never actually read the Spawn comics. Sure I've read Frank Miller's Batman/Spawn crossover and I've seen the movie. (For the record, the movie wasn't all that bad...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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