schmidty816's Robin Rises: Omega #1 - Red Dawn Omega review

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    A Recap And Some Chaos!

    This book did two things really well.

    Number 1: The recap of Damian's story over the years was a very nice touch and very cool to see how everything fits into the the wonky New 52 timeline. I genuinely enjoyed the first half recap in this book. Excellent touch and really shows the evolution of the Damian and Bruce relationship.

    Number 2: Chaos! A really well done large scale battle. Unlikely allies, some revelations, and parademons. You can't ask for much more than that in a big battle in the DCU. Loved the battle and how it evolved, and very interested in the final reveal by Batman.

    If you like Damian and want to see the past and where this story is heading give this a read.

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