Comic Vine Review


Moon Knight #2 - Welcome To New Egypt: Part 2 of 5


Marc Spector's sanity has often been questioned. Has he ever really been Moon Knight or has it all been in his head?

I may have mentioned a time or two how much I dig Moon Knight. There's just always been something appealing about him and the different layers he carries. Having different civilian guises has been a part of his operations in order to gain access to different sorts of information. In the past few years there's been a strong focus on whether or not having these different personas has been taxing on his mind. In the first issue of this new volume, Marc is locked up and told his memories of fighting crime as Moon Knight are all delusions in his mind.

Jeff Lemire is exploring this aspect of the character. As readers, we know it can't be possible that Marc has been in an institution since he was a kid and made up his memories of Moon Knight. Yet, when we see Marc talking to Khonshu, the God of Vengeance, a small part of you wonders if maybe the doctor and orderlies are onto something.

Rather than see Marc sitting around questioning all this, the story is moving forward. Marc has seen some familiar faces locked up with him, and it's time to make a move. The story, with Greg Smallwood's art and Jordie Bellaire's colors is really starting to heat up. My eyes are so thankful to be able to take in the visuals. Smallwood and Bellaire do a fantastic job mixing up the different aspects and "locations" of Lemire's story. I can't get enough.

I'm oozing with joy and excitement over this current Moon Knight series. I feel a slight tremble inside when I reach the end and am filled with the anticipation of the next issue. I need my Moon Knight fix and Lemire, Smallwood, and Bellaire are doing a phenomenal job. Two issues in, I am completely sold on this volume. It's going to be another epic run. It's a great time to be a Moon Knight fan. This book is so dang good. I need and want more.