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Pure Evil

Sometimes what makes a villain so great is their sheer vileness. This is a collection of some of the most diabolical baddies ever.

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  • Possibly the most famous pure evil. There's many reasons why he fits into the category, but two that come to mind are the shooting/possible sexual abuse/assault of Barbara Gordon, and the brutal murder of Jason Todd

  • Another notoriously pure evil character. Dracula drives Renfield insane and allows his brides to suck his blood when he comes to visit Dracula's castle. He murders the entire crew of the ship taking him to London. He's turned many women into vampire servants and forces them to do atrocious things such as murdering children.

  • Murdered his entire family. He murdered his master, Plagueis, manipulated Dooku into becoming a sith lord, abused Maul until he became a ruthless killer, then abandoned him when he lost against Obi-Wan. Orchestrated the entire Clone Wars, thus making him partly responsible for every atrocity committed by the Separatists. Manipulated Anakin Skywalker from a young age, eventually manipulating him to betray the jedi order and become Darth Vader. Saw life as just a play thing that is meant for him to rule, and had no desire to rule the galaxy as a ruthless tyrant unless there were people in it he could rule over and torture. Used the outer rim systems as planets to be abused and used to further his goals, for example, he forced the Geonosians to build the Death Star, then sterilized them to wipe out their species in order to prevent any sort of outcry or rebellion from them.

  • Killed countless innocents as a Nazi under Hitler's rule. In the MCU, he planned on using the tesseract the wipe out over half of the world's population and rule over the new world. Tortures prisoners to perfect the super solider serum, and sets his base to self destruct when the odds are stacked against him, leaving his men to die.

  • Rules over Apokolips as a tyrant under hellish conditions. Conquered countless planets and subjugated them to his hellish rule. Plans on enslaving the entire multiverse using the anti-life equation. Has attempted to take control of Earth countless times.

  • Before being burned alive, Krueger killed countless children. After being burned, he made a deal with the Dream Demons to continue killing children in their dreams. He targets the parents that burned him by brutally murdering their children in their dreams.

  • Dio establishes himself as pure evil within the first few chapters of Phantom Blood. When first adopted by the Joestars, Dio attempts to break Jonathan mentally by killing his dog, kissing his girlfriend, and attempts to gauge his eye out. He tries to slowly kill Jonathan's father in order to gain the Joestar wealth. Turns himself into a vampire and tries to take over the world. After his body is destroyed by Jonathan, he kills Jonathan on his wedding night and attached his head to Jonathan's body to live on. In Stardust Crusaders, Dio sends a myriad of stand users to stop the Joestar group from reaching him in Egypt. He forces Senator Phillips to drive him to the Joestar group so he can kill them with The World. He then kills Phillips when he is no use to him. Kills Kakyoin by punching a hole through his chest. Once he realizes Jotaro can see him in stopped time, he sadistically torments Jotaro, and throws a knife into Joseph's neck so Jotaro can watch. Even after death, Dio's flesh buds he put into his minions turned them into grotesque monsters. He also gave stand arrows to Yoshihiro Kira, who then gave Yoshigake Kira his stand Killer Queen, allowing him to commit dozens of murders in Morioh.

  • In his desire for power and to rule, Griffith sacrifices all of his friends in order to transform himself into the demon Femto, and becomes a member of the God Hand. After transforming into Femto, he rapes Casca and forces Guts to watch, for no other reason than to show his superiority and dominance over Guts. Brands Guts and Casca with the brand of sacrifice, making the two face demons every night for the rest of their lives. After becoming Femto, he regularly talks down to Guts whenever the two meet, stating that he is under the God Hand's notice.

  • Light kills Lind L. Tailor when he calls Light evil, though Tailor was indeed a criminal, Light had no way of knowing that and killed him out of anger. Manipulated and killed countless innocents who tried to get in his way of achieving his goals. Asked Naomi Misora if she wanted his phone number for contact information for no other reason than to get more pleasure out of the fact that he had already written her name in the Death Note. Planned on killing Misa Amane once she outlived her usefulness. Was willing to kill is own sister in order to keep the Death Note out of Mello's hands and to prevent suspicion towards himself. Begged Ryuk to kill the task force once he was found out, only for Ryuk to kill Light instead.

  • Tom's orphan backstory is often used as a way to garner sympathy for him, but Harry went through almost the same thing, proving it wasn't his upbringing but his actions and personality that led him to becoming evil. Murdered Harry's parents out of fear that their son would grow up to kill him. Wished to rid the world of Muggles, believing magic users were superior beings.

  • Deceived the Elves, Dwarves, and the kings of Men with the Rings of Power, not telling them he was forging his own ring to rule over them all. Once he forges the One Ring, he went on a bloody rampage, killing thousands in is quest to rule over all of Middle Earth. Manipulated Saruman into believing that he was going to win, turning Saruman into a servant. Psychologically tortured Frodo every time he put the ring on and sent the Nazgul to reclaim it. Is responsible for all of the mental trauma Frodo experienced, forcing him to leave Middle Earth for good.

  • The showa version destroyed and life wiped countless planets, such as Venus, for no other reason than to get glee from killing lifeforms he deems lower than him. The millennium version tortured Godzilla before slowly and painfully draining his life energy. The monsterverse version took control of all of Earth's monsters and forced them to destroy the worlds cities; even after death, he took control of Mechagodzilla and attempted to brutally kill both Godzilla and Kong.

  • In both the comic and movie versions, he turned on his creators moments after being born, seeing humanity as flawed and made several attempts to wipe out the entire human race. He takes control of Hank Pym's body and corrupts it. Kills trillions across the galaxy and blames it on Earth, hoping the alien races would wage war on Earth. The What If..? version wiped out all life in the universe, and attempted to do the same across the entire multiverse.

  • Killed his sister at the age of six. Despite being mute, it is stated he can speak but decides not to, and that he is fully aware of the pain he causes, and takes great enjoyment and sadism from it. Doesn't kill an infant baby, only because he wouldn't get any enjoyment out of it.

  • As leader of the Separatist Forces, he is the one who physically carried out most of the atrocities and war crimes committed during the Clone Wars. Killed countless jedi and their padawans to add their lightsabers to his collection.

  • Became so obsessed with his goal of eliminating Homelander, that he went on dozens of murderous rampages, killing and raping countless innocent people, and even committed cannibalism by eating babies. He took pictures of himself committing these atrocities disguised as Homelander to frame him.

  • Killed his mother and burned down the church he was raised in to fake his death. treats his alternate personality, Vinnegar Doppio as an accessory to keep his true identity a secret. Killed Sorbet, by hacking him to pieces, and sent the parts to La Squadra to keep them in line. Attempted to kill his own daughter to keep his identity a secret. Found the Stand Arrows, and distributed them across the world, making him partly responsible for every atrocity committed by a stand user, including those committed by Dio and Kira. Brutally beat Polnareff by cutting off his legs and gauging his eye out before throwing him off a cliff.