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My Top X-Men and Wolverine Stories

This is a list of my most favourite X-Men, and Wolverine stories including Story Arcs and TPB's (trade paper backs/graphic novels). The list will also however feature any stories connected to either X-Men, or Wolverine, so may also include stories from the likes of Gambit, Mystique, Deadpool, X-Force, and more.

X-Men is one of my favourite groups of all time, falling just behind the Avengers. Wolverine is also my third favourite hero, behind Batman, and Spider-Man. Like most of my collection this will mainly consist of newer stories, with most stories since Messiah Complex. Some of my favourite writers on the stories however vary from new to old, with Brian Michael Bendis producing some amazing stories at the moment, as well as the likes of Chris Claremont giving us some of the most iconic X-Men/Wolverine stories of all time.

The list will change from time to time if I've either read a new story or read a old one again feeling I've ranked it too high or too low.

I am also going through my X-Men/Wolverine stories again and due to that will only add to this list once I have to save confusion on the ratings.


List items

  • 5/5 Reviewed TPB

    This is one of the best X-Men stories ever written, being a true classic. It is such a deep, and well written story, that is perfectly balanced, being exciting, and dramatic, whilst also being suspenseful, and knowing when to be dark, or emotional as well. Overall Chris Claremont did a perfect job of this story, and although I've not read a huge lot of his work, I doubt there is more than a few of his other stories that can match this level, let alone possibly beat it, as he showed how much the Phoenix effected the X-Men's life, and how their decision decided the worlds fate. It also had some wonderful artwork by John Byrne, which was perfectly drawn, being both amazing, and beautiful.

  • 5/5 Reviewed TPB

    This was a phenomenal story, and a great start to Joss Whedon's X-Men run. The concept of a mutant cure was a very risky thing to take on, but Whedon handled it perfectly, using it to the best advantage of both the story, as well as the X-Men as a whole. The team was also handled perfectly, with great characteristics, as well terrific dialogue, and brilliant action, and excitement. It also had some mystery as well as some really fun moments, and I doubt anyone could have done this particular story better than Whedon. The art from John Cassaday was also out of this world, as although he's produced amazing art on the likes of Captain America, and Uncanny Avengers, this has to be some of the best art he's ever produced, being highly detailed, and very dynamic.

  • 5/5 Reviewed TPB

    This was a phenomenal story, and although not quite as good as Dark Phoenix Saga, it is one of the best classic X-Men stories ever created, and the influence it has had on animated works has been brilliant, and I hope the upcoming film will be handled well. The concept was also brilliant, and I loved how Chris Claremont handled both time periods, balancing the entire story out perfectly, giving a gritty, and unique story that was also very suspenseful. The other stories that came before and after this in the trade were also very fun, and exciting, and although none of them could compete with the main story, they were still amazing. The art from John Byrne was also outstanding, and as he did with his entire X-Men run, he showed the characters perfectly, also adding depth, and tone to the stories.

  • 5/5 Reviewed TPB

    This was an amazing conclusion to Joss Whedon, and John Cassaday's astonishing run on the X-Men, and although it's not quite as good as Gifted, it's the next best story from their run. The X-Men's journey to the Breakworld was amazingly handled, with tons of suspense, and drama, as well as great emotion, and fantastic action. The character development was also very interesting, with Colossus really stepping up in a brilliant way. S.W.O.R.D.'s involvement also added drama, with the revelations of Abigail Brand being extremely interesting. The dialogue, and action also added great tone, adding a tremendous atmosphere. The art from Cassaday was also spectacular, and I especially enjoyed seeing him draw Spider-Man during the Giant-Size issue, with his art as a whole being very dynamic.

  • 5/5 Reviewed TPB

    This was an amazing continuation to both the Gifted storyline, as well as Joss Whedon's X-Men run in general. It may not quite have matched the Gifted storyline, but it was still outstanding. It did however excel over Gifted in certain areas, having more intense, and explosive action, as well as a little more mystery. Besides that Whedon continued to develop the characters personalities perfectly, also adding some brilliant emotion, and drama. The introduction of the character Danger also helped give more depth, and tone to this story, and the symbolism, and emotion behind her characteristics was handled fantastically. The art from John Cassaday was also once again phenomenal, with a very vibrant, and unique tone that also gave more depth to the story.

  • 5/5 Reviewed as individual issues

  • 5/5 Reviewed Complete Collection TPB

  • 5/5 Reviewed as individual issues

  • 4.5/5 Reviewed as individual issues

  • 4.5/5 Reviewed as individual issues

  • 4.5/5 Reviewed as individual issues

  • 4/5 Reviewed TPB

  • 4/5 Reviewed TPB

    This was a great story, but not quite to the same level as the first three stories in Joss Whedon's amazing X-Men run. The appearance of the Hellfire Club in Whedon's run was however amazing to read, and I loved what he did with the characters. There was also a lot more comedy in this story, which was a little over the top, going from funny, to eventually feeling forced, and unnecessary. There was however also some great action, and emotion, with amazing suspense, and a hint of mystery, which gave a lot of depth to the story. I did however also question whether I liked the Unstoppable set-up in this story, as although some of it was nice, it hurt the ending slightly. John Cassaday's art also continued to amaze, with brilliant emotion, and fabulous detail, being truly phenomenal.

  • 4/5 Reviewed Gambit #1-4

  • 4/5 Reviewed TPB

  • 4/5 Reviewed TPB

  • 4/5 Reviewed Cabbe and X-Force #1

  • 4/5 Reviewed TPB

  • 4/5 Reviewed TPB

  • 3.5/5 Reviewed Avengers vs. X-Men #9-12

  • 3.5/5

  • 3/5 Reviewed TPB

  • 3/5

  • 3/5 Reviewed TPB

  • 3/5

  • 3/5 Reviewed TPB