Funeral for the Dark Brother RPG

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#1  Edited By IcarusMach9

The rain poured down, a torrent from the eyes of the heavens. Or was it Hell's anguish now, about something lost or something gained? Unceasing the water pounded down onto the sodden Earth. Were the heavens forced to cry, some lone meta imparting their loss upon the sky? The black droplets fell regardless upon the immense cairn. Ruins lay scattered, the only remnants of a former glory that rivaled the tower of Babel in sheer ambition. Who would say that no men could touch the sky? But all are vanished now, leaving no trace of their whereabouts. Those great villains of a bygone age, whose names still instill terror upon the soul. Aztek the Lost. Mighty Magneto. And the others. Now their statues still pose, blank eyes looking towards a glory that has been and gone. The rain beats down upon those sightless eyes, and slowly effaces the names on those great stone pedestals. Around them lie the shreds of what was; tarnished thrones and shattered wineglasses, worn skulls and crumbling riches. Cyclopean pillars holding up only rubble. This is what happens to the greatest. This is the fate of the most lowly. All ends in death. What a mortuary air such a place of former glory holds, and a morgue it now is. The grave is open, the tombstone speaking for the deceased's now silenced tongue. The rain pours down still, beginning to erode what now is so fresh and new. Centuries will pass, and even the greatest are forgotten. None remember ancient Sarnath, and Babylon is becoming but a dream. Some may still speak of Corinth, and Atlantis is forever lost below the waves. Mightly leaders lost forever, their unmarked graves hold not even fragments of bone due to the constant enemy of time. But today memory burns bright, and a giant has fallen. Today we are gathered to mourn the loss of one of the greatest, most cherished and most feared. Darkchild is no more, and all, from the stone statues to the young heroes will pay their last respects. 


Darkchild: conqueror of countries, and would-be creator of a new world. He shook the world, only to stop and save it. Darkchild, who at one point held a god in sway. Darkchild was able to keep heroes and villains in check, set them against each other, or team them up to save the world. Who would forget him? His name would go down with the likes of Julius Caesar. The gathering here was enough to prove that. Heroes and villains, costumed to protect their identities from the media which had been invited inside. The flash of cameras seemed muted, the reporting of reporters faded to a low susurrus. Each coped their own way. Some were silent. Some reveled to hide the gaping wound in their heart. Their boisterous voices fell flat, fell with the incessant rain. 


Julius watched, standing under the watchful eye of a decaying statue. The rain clattered against his armor, ran down his back and into his eyes. Like many others here, the rain mixed with tears. To Julius, Darkchild had helped find a path. Something between Icarus' mindless violence and Julius' scientific search. The New Age Outlawz had been as close to a real family as Julius had ever known. And now Darkchild was gone, his remains in an immense ebony coffin, itself to be placed in an obsidian-lined grave. Icarus mourned as well, locked within the dark realm of Julius' mind. Darkchild had allowed him to kill with purpose, leave a real imprint on the world. Icarus still could not put his finger on what he felt. He was a creature of rage, not used to sorrow or pity. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. The world would keep turning.   

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#2  Edited By warlock360
Life... It is the Ambassador of light. When you first open your eyes, the first thing you see goes from dark, into the light. Just as Death is the bringer of the dark. The moment you die, is the moment the comforting cold darkness takes over and soothes you into an eternal sleep. With that being said, it was no wonder that even one of the mightiest Entities the planet has faced in the past would also eventually meet that very darkness. His name is and was, Darkchild.
Corvus doesn't know that in his past life he once knew Darkchild. The moment Darkchild died, an impact was to be felt on the strings of fate. Things have changed, twisting, contorting, choking the path that was originally layed out for him. This impact gave Corvus some weird feeling in his gut, a feeling to attend to the funeral he recently heard about. Corvus'  human side felt a kind of empathy for the man, even though he had a brutal past. How do you approach a funeral of a man you never met? He left the newly bought bastion and went towards Darkchild's funeral. The day the funeral began was a rainy day, most of the goons surrounding his grave were your average joe, some stood out, some just... blended in. Corvus wore his signature clothes since he moved to mdidle europe. A white suit, and a red tie. The time came for the bystanders to drop what ever they had unto the coffin. All there was for Corvus to give was something that was usual for such an occassion, a rose with the last kind words " Farewell".  The mildly streaming rain poured down the scar that the demon left on his face, streamed down his cheek and dropped down on his shoe. It was that instance that made him think, why the change of heart? Someone or something had to make him reconfigure his situation... and Corvus was interested as to what it was, not hesitating to go around and make a short query. He took approach to a winged stranger, standing in the rain in grief. His facial expression made Corvus clear that he wanted to be left alone, so he'd probably have something to do with the guy. Things were getting to interesting for him to leave so soon... 
"let's see how this turns out..."
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Jake Malcom


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#3  Edited By Jake Malcom


Shady Bar
 I sit wondering why would that FREAK send me a damn invitation to his funeral.  We rarely ever met nor did we ever see eye to eye on anything, when we did meet we were always arguing about someone. "Give me another bar slut." A woman glares at me and slams her hands down on the bar "You have had twenty shots of vodka, and five shots of ever clear. I am not giving you anymore, you were only served that much so I could see if you were human which I can very well tell you arnt so leave. If you want more booze go down the street to the liquor store an GAH!" Without hesitation I grabs the bar keeper by the throat "I did not ask for you to speak, I would love to hear you continue to spew your bullsh!t but I have somewhere to be and I would love to be trashed once I get their. So I dont hear all the crying for the simple reason I hate to hear people bellow and cry. If I am trashed then I wont need to hear it, So if you please shut the f@#k up and just give me what I want.” With a smile on my face I let the little bitch go only to get a bottle against my head.

I turn around to find a very tall bouncer standing over me “I think you need to leave.” Looking up at him I just smile “No.” And continue to wait for my booze, and While I do I remember how evil that poor sod was when I knew him back in the day. He wasn’t this ponce who walks around trying to redeem himself he was a badass. I remember thinking what it would have been to be him, the women who sexed you up out of sheer fear and the men who pissed their pants as he walked into the room. As I drifted into this lala land of memory a hand touched my shoulder and the bouncer once again asked me to leave, to which I replied by breaking his hand in five places. He screamed for a little bit before passing out, growing impatient of the bar I grabbed a bottle of scotch and dowsed the counter with it and lite a cig before tossing the match igniting the bar. It went up fairly quickly the person who designed the place wasn’t too intelligent when doing so.

VV Head Quarters

When I arrive everyone whose anyone is there I stand against a tree and watch as many of them actually cry. He was a EVIL man yet they still felt sorrow for him, I made my way towards his grave as people stared at me a bottle of scotch in one hand and a pack of cigarettes in the other. A lit cig in my mouth the smoke trails behind me and I lean against the tombstone they made for him placing it beside his statue…what a bunch of pussies. I take a swig of the scotch finally the booze begins to give me a buzz and I start talking something I wish I hadn’t “You all are a bunch of f@#king fakes. Okay maybe a few of you actually came here to give your condolences, but the rest (hiccup) came to make sure he was dead. Ralph and I knew him for what he truly was…a bastard. Yeah he had changed but he was still a bastard, don’t any of you give a speech saying otherwise or I will bring your families back from the dead and rape you with them. Those who came simply to make sure he was dead…piss off. Go eat the food and parade around like you care, cause I know I don’t. I came to give him something, that is it.” Jake opened his jacket and pulled out a ring and set it down onto the coffin “You asked me one time old smeg if I could find someone for you. I did but never felt the gumpsion to give you it or tell you about it. Your wife shes gone, and she does not feel any bit of resentment towards you. It wasn’t your fault,Now rest in peace and burn in hell.” Jake dumped the rest of the scotch into the grave and tossed a cig into it before snapping his fingers and leaving the crowd and Darkchilds grave 
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#4  Edited By talon_x23

“What kind of man would hang on that long...what kind of love that must be” she whispered as she sat at her desk in her rented apartment. The dim lighting was no match for the darkness that consumed her room like a dark cloud. The only light from her computer screen was present in her room. Her house she had recently fully furbished. It was everything she desired, secret compartments, hidden doors pretty much her own special place. Obviously she had to add these things for lack of it when she moved it. She had recently decided to buy her own place for a few reasons, stability one of them. She was tired of hanging onto people and their money and wanted to create a stable life style for herself. Obviously this meant she was to get a cover job, some identity papers but that would all come in due time.

Her black locks were tied behind her back with an elastic band, her fingers remained in constant motion as they typed upon her holographic keyboard. She had an ear piece currently attached to her that swerved around her head and formed that of glasses. Gladly her experience in technology granted her the ability to form simple ways to doing complex things. But despite these pieces of hardware and cold steel she was currently listening to one of her favourite songs. It had recently been introduced to her by surfing this thing known as the internet. It was “Austin” By Blake Shelton. She had stumbled across it and it had….gotten her attention.

Papers were scattered all over her room documents she had to run through. Some letters, other threats but she dealt with it all the same. Soon a knock on the door shattered her concentration as she got to her feet to quickly answer at the door stood a young boy. Her eyes though were drawn to the letter he held in his hands. All he did was hand it to her before running off down the hall and out of sight. She remained there a moment attempting to take it all in as her eyes stilled on the letter. It was addressed to her but typed, so she was unable to trace the handwriting.

Returning to her home she shut and locked the door and then leaned her back against the closed door. Slowly her fingers opened the envelope attacked were three pieces she looked at the first on her hand as it stated “He’s buried” her eyes widened slightly as she looked at the next “He didn’t make it but he died honourable”. Her mind was racing trying to figure out what these little messages meant but before her mind did any more she read the last which was suppose to be the first “Darkchild’s going to sacrificed himself”. Instantly the world stopped as she staggered to her black leather couch in the centre of the living room.

She sat herself down and placed the papers beside on the coffee table. Her face was soon in her hands as her black locks slid across her face. Her emotions were erratic she had a hard time discovering if what she was feeling was pain, sadness or shock. She eventually assumed it was all thee mixed together in the tornado running through her mind.  Her breathing was the only sound in the room as her mind raced with questions, questions she needed answered. Instantly her body shot up like lighting as she dashed toward her computer and began searching for more information. It didn’t take her long to hack through the government’s database and discover what truly happened.

Somehow The Child of Darkness had chosen himself to take on this new villain at least to her known as Ginju, him being a hero he fought fearlessly and sadly perished and failed to defeat him. Nevertheless he died with honour something Laura had yet to achieve. Her memories were scattered of him yet what remained strong were the emotions that lingered the ones that were so strongly attached to this monster…no this man. Despite what he might have been in the past everything he might have done was irrelevant what was important was that now he was gone, and he died protecting those he cared about, whoever they might have been.

Saving the information and pressing the print button she got up from her chair so fast that is fell backward she ran through to her bed room located to the right if entering through the front door. Scavenging through her attire she found a tattered jeans along with a strapless back shirt, with that she’d put on her black sneakers. Swiftly stripping her previous clothes and put on her new ones. She then grabbed her handbag and placing the documents of information she had gathered she finally grabbed her jacket and with a loud noise slammed the door behind her.

She got the first train out of here as she went to the location of the old Vine Villains tower. Her heart felt like it had been stabbed and then ripped from her chest. On the train ride she chose the most secluded area as she locked herself away in her own mind. Her eyes appeared lifeless as she gazed absentmindedly out the window. Watching the trees go by, watching the buildings fly by and disappear in the distance. “I don’t know why…but it hurts” she found herself whispering as she clutched a picture of the man himself. Along with the information she also printed out the most recent picture that had been snapped of the man.

The moments though brief she had spent with him flooded her mind and with each flash pain entered her once more. She recalled one moment though, one that stood out more than another she had spent with him. It was a moment that at the time she hated, at the time she wanted to kill him yet now looking back and even partly during the moment she realized how much she had enjoyed it. For some the moment might have seemed obsolete might have seemed pointless and better forgotten but now more than ever her heart yearned to re-live it and to reacted differently that she previously had.

Location Ninjeta Months ago. Darkchilds stronghold.

“Darkchild” she said in a low growling tone as she stared into his cold eyes. She had never met the man but she knew this was him. She felt it this was evil incarnate she felt the darkness that filled his soul, yes this was he. "Well hello there, our little princess is awake."Angered by what he said she lunged forward ready to stab him over and over only to feel the pain of many watts of electricity running through her body. Letting out a slight yelp the chains pulled her back as her back rammed into the brick wall behind her. After taking in a few deep breaths she attempted to retain her composure though due to what had happened, her being so simply captured calmness seemed almost impossible. Her black locks laid on her face in strands slowly like eels sliding down her chest hiding her angered emerald eyes as she glared at him with no remorse.

He let out a dark chuckle as he used the back of his had to slap her on the cheek. The heat of the strike caused her cheek to turn bright red. If she had been angry before she was enraged now. No man had ever slapped her and he had touched her that was a mistake. She did not take kindly to coming in contact with men there were only a few and mostly her team mates like Akwa or Hunter that she’d commence in hugging or anything physical contact. She could feel the heat from the slap on her cheek as lifted her shoulder to wipe it. Though she was enraged by his actions up to this point she tried to keep it hidden. She did not want to lose her temper not now. Any way there was not much she could do to get out of her predicament….not yet.

  "I’ve never been referred to as wise, clever yes but wise no. They say I used to make very bad calls, rushing into fights I knew I couldn’t win only to come up on top or bottom beaten worse than a red headed stepchild." She took in his words and they related to her. Actually what she had initiated was very illogical and if she had any sense with in her she would not have come. She would have known that she would have gotten captured like this. It was so foolish now that she looked back she could see her error but she could not get any one else involved she had to do this alone and on her own. She had rushed in ahead without thinking of the possibilities without planning.

She did not care that she did not have a plan. And because of those choices she had fallen into the hands of the dark master. Now looking back she found herself shocked at her illogical actions and was dumbfounded by them. Turning her attention back to The Child of Darkness he barked orders for the guard to leave. That left her puzzled for she did not know why he’d do something like that. Would it have not been best to have a second pair of hands ready if something happened or better yet if she escaped or was he so powerful that he didn’t need anyone.

 She truly did not understand this man. But his next actions proved her thoughts right once more. Without another word or gesture he leaned down toward her at first she thought it was another slap but it was not. Instantly their lips met as she felt his tongue slide inside her mouth. Her eyes shot wide open yet she was unable to retaliate in anyway, not that she would. She was at the mercy of his pleasure. Though a glimmer of pleasure was ignited no not a glimmer a rush. Her entire body singled and surged with ecstasy. Her eyes slowly closed and she proceeded to not withhold herself from the pleasure he was inflicting upon her. Everything that had happened vanished as she was wrapped in the peace of those few moments and in his kiss. Yet soon he pulled away uttering "Ooooooh my lord, you have seen many battles. And my my you taste so sweet."


Those were the last words he had spoken to her and those were the ones that trailed off into her mind. Even though she might have reacted in pure anger and hatred toward him. Yet now right now on the trail heading toward where he had been buried she could no longer deny it. She enjoyed ever moment of that one passionate kiss between that of herself and that of her enemy. He was a monster back then she considered him as such but despite everything there was one truth that looking back in her life she could not deny and had to admit. “It was the best kiss of my life…” she said as a small smile appeared on her face.

For that moment that their lips touched that she felt his tongue against her was the one moment of pure and utter pleasure. With no one else had she endured such an emotion such a feeling of overwhelming rapture. Sadly it had taken her all this time to admit it, and now the man was dead. The one man in the entire universe who she could have possible…enjoyed and felt pleasure with true pleasure and ecstasy, he was gone and it killed her. Killed her that she had missed her chance that she had not once stopped to think. All this time she’d run from it blocked it out but his death had brought it all back all the pain all the passion and like a knife in her chest she wanted to pull it out and forget sadly that was impossible.

It was on the train ride she admitted her emotions and was okay with it. As the train neared its destination she soon got to her feet grabbed her belongings and walked toward the bathroom. Shutting the door she soon stood on the toilet seat as she unleashed her claws. Slicing a square in the roof the fresh air soon engulfed the room as she fastened her around her and climbed up on top of the roof of the train. Steadying herself she soon took in a deep breath as she ran and leapt off the roof rolling onto the ground before she stopped herself. Then soon getting to her feet she dashed off, though he was dead his scent still remained and that was what she had been following all the time.

It took a few hours and by the time she reached her destination night had fallen. It was a new moon, so the only lights in the skies were that of the stares and here there appeared to be a few. She slowly entered the realms of what appeared to be a broken down castle. The rubble had fallen but as she walked into the court yard something soon came into view. Statues of the great villains that had once held the world captive with all their power. Mighty Magneto, Gambler, Arrow and finally Darkchild Like dominoes they had all fallen all different deaths but all honourable.

Though her eyes only focused on one and that were the man she never said truth too. Slowly approaching it she placed her palm upon his grave a moment taking it all in. Tears began to slowly fill her eyes. The pain all returned as she did not try to pull herself together Pushing back the tears that were swelling in her eyes she finally retained enough to speak she whispered through her tears “What can I say….I hardly knew you. But what I did know of you I loved. Your dark smile, your hideously scary chuckle….there was nothing about you I’d change. I have one regret...that I could never tell you the truth.” Pausing she wiped her tears and brushed aside her raven locks before continuing “I only have to things I must say to you…two simple things…one I wished I had said a long time ago.” She sniffed “With everything considered…I must say…I think I loved you…even for those moments and beyond…I think I did…and”. She said raising her right hand as she sliced her palm and let blood drip upon the stone grave “I will avenge you…Darkchild”. With that she brought her lips against the cold strong of the grave and kissed it before walking away. But as she was about to walk through the exit of the yard her head turned a moment as her emerald eyes glanced back her tears blew in the sudden gush of wind. Before she left her lips spoke once more “You shall be avenged my lord…and I shall be the one to do it…” With that her figure disappeared into the dark of the night.       

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Uchiha NeVann


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#5  Edited By Uchiha NeVann

 A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.

Never did the Shinobi believe a statement to be so true on this date. But by no means did he consider Dark Child’s death to be tragedy, but you would think otherwise looking at all the mournful faces in front him. It was almost as if they all forget of forgave him for all the evil he had done, all that he had kill. Like the with all the souls that were lost with the destruction of Ninjeta as the dark lord overloaded the core causing a chain reaction that wiped the planet from the universe.

This definitely stuck out with NeVann as he was the one fought with the Demon spawn that day, being driven to blindness. But today was not about his rivalry with DC, it was about paying his respect to a man who followed a path of darkness with random detours into the light like the last one that cost him his life. Standing far in the back the ceremony went on, NeVann dressed in a tailor fitted black suit. Leaning against a pillar the rod of his umbrella that rested upon his shoulder shielded himself for the down of the sky that even seemed to weep for Dark Child.

Not sure if Nova would show because of her history she had with him, the ninja would not allow his personal emotion toward the deceased blind him from that that DC actually did something for the shinobi which NeVann would never be able to repay him for. Stepping away from the pillar The Uchiha made his way down the aisle to the ebony casket holding a single red rose. Reaching his destination he gently reset the rose on the black coffin, his face showed no signs of emotion be it anger or sadness as he spoke but low enough where ears couldn’t pick up the sound.

...Death is the cure of all diseases. And you were that, but sometimes a disease can do some good once in a while before being expunged form this world. I don’t wish for you to rest in peace but I will thank you for doing something I couldn’t in helping Nova when I couldn’t...” A gust of wind blew in strong for a moment for NeVann’s left grabbing a hold of the Shinobi’s umbrella. Letting it go and soar upward caught in a updraft the ninja turned from the casket and began to walk off, as his suit quickly became soaked clinging to his body like his hair did to his face. His dark brown eyes with no looks of sorrow stead ahead as he continued walking vanishing in the rain.

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#6  Edited By Alexander Arkady


A car cruises slowly through the roads leading up to the VV HQ, a place its occupants never had been. Alex was a man relatively new to this world and was only here for a shoulder to cry on, his passenger was the one who was involved with Darkchild. As they drove up people walked slowly to the top of the hill, a large man stops the car with one finger and bellows “Ruskie, out of the car. No vehicles past this point, orders from the deceased.”

I turned around to tell her but she was already out of the car, her hair already drenched as the rain poured down without mercy. I leaped out of the car grabbing a handful of nails just incase but a hand took mine “Good or evil, fighting is not allowed today brother. Leave them or drop them right now, where we are going cannot be destroyed in a fight.” The large man lifted his hand from mine and I put the nails back in the car and walked up behind her pulling my coat off and putting it over her. She pushed the coat off and let it fall to the ground “Alex….leave me be. Let me do this please.” Looking at her as she made it up the hill I did not understand why she was so affected by this mans death. He was nothing to me or to her for all I knew, but I was sadly mistaken as I could hear the words being told from a man who had worked for the VV for quite sometime.

“I had worked for Mr Darkchild for quite sometime, even after he left I kept up with his actions. I wasn’t what you would call a people person. Those who I knew, I came to call family. And as much of a evil man Darkchild was he kept those closest to him safe, not with money but with knowing us. My family lived in wealth as we used our knowing him to our advantage. When I was with him he was always speaking of those he had loved an those he had lost, but not in those words mostly in rude an crude ways but underneath I saw he was compassionate about a few of them. Walkingstone and Maelstrom came up quite often, if the sheer amount of times he spoke of them didn’t tell me his feelings it was the way he spoke of them.” I watched as Mael heard her name as we came to the very top of the hill. Hundreds of people were in attendance most of them were actually heroes rather than villains. I was amazed at how such an evil man made acquaintances with heroes rather than villains. Mael stood in the back of the crowd an everytime the man mentioned her name she shivered and cried a little. Finally the man stopped his speech only because a Vampire had gotten in front of the crowd an was sputtering off a rant. I ignored him and edged myself through a long line grabbing Maelstroms hand I dragged her she kept resisting and I finally barked “You had me bring you here, you have been crying all day long. Let it out tell this evil bastard what he did to you was wrong…that is what your crying about…right?” she looked at me with hesitation and soon we were in the front of the line. I looked into the hole we stood in front of and someone handed her a microphone, I couldn’t believe it his coffin was covered in roses….these people had actually come to mourn his loss. I stepped aside and let Mael walk up in front of me, knowing she was here to speak her mind to him.

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#7  Edited By Resonate

The cinders dropped into the blades of grass below him as he inhaled the cigarrettes final fumes. A tiny ember began to form, but he stomped it out with short notice. The sky overhead was paler than the moon soon coming to take its place, a symbol of the loss an entire world was to feel soon. For better or for worse, Darkchild was gone. Friend? Something like that...mentor? Certainly.  
Forlorn clouds swept back as the wind took away the silence around him. No tears, but a more solemn aura surrounded the whole of his surroundings. Rasping and whispering into the wind, he spoke

"A little bit more and I could have reached your level. You'll never see me now, I suppose...stupid old man. It's never enough. What I wasn't ever enough." 


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#8  Edited By Maelstrom

 The day started off dark and dreary. The clouds hung overhead and the rain poured constantly throughout the day without little reprieve from mother nature. It was the day of a funeral, a day that seemed marred in the cliched scene of mother nature mourning the lost of one of her children.. or perhaps celebrating a death that was too long in coming? Most of the day had become a blur to her. Though she spent the first early hours of the morning in her office and writing reports for the Vine Prodigies she could barely remember what they were for or what she had written. Her eyes were still puffy and she loathed the fact that she had spent a good amount of the day crying over Darkchild's death. She barely knew the man, at least compared to the original Maelstrom, and yet there she was in her office crying up a storm.

The car came to a sudden stop and this caused Sariaf'ca to break from her reverie and look forward. Alex had arrived at the old headquarters of the Vine Villains which meant they were here. Before Alex could say anything she was already out of the car. The rain pelted against her body causing her hair to stick against her face as she moved forward. So this was it. This was the point in which she would pay respects to a man she barely knew compared to many of those already congregated in the heavily enclosed area. She could see many people heroes and villains, civilians and reporters. This was big news it seemed and it made her shiver. How could one person, sometimes hero or sometimes villain, one man, affect the lives of so many people from different walks of life? It made her shudder at the enormity of this funeral. It made her curious at the different stories all these people had to tell. And yet she was here almost like a guest of honor for something she never really had with him. She was a fake, a doppleganger who had taken up an identity that wasn't her own and yet it was. So many confusing thoughts pelted and she shivered each and every time the speaker before her mentioned her name.

"I'm not her..." She whispered softly and felt as someone came beside her. She didn't have a need to look, she knew exactly who it was. It was Alex. For a few passing moments she thought back on her meeting with Alex, on their random encounter and now a growing yet interesting friendship. The thought faded away as quickly as it had come and once again Sari's attention was at the speaker. After a few excruciating moments of hearing 'her' name mentioned over and over again the man was ushered away and before she could stop the person beside her the microphone was handed to her and she gave Alex a small nod.

"This is it." She whispered to herself. It was time for the Doppleganger to take her place and speak about a love that never existed between herself and Darkchild. No. She couldn't do that instead she could only speak the truth. Whatever that truth may have been was unknown to all congregated. It was a truth only she and DC shared and now would finally be told. She looked down at the microphone, cleared her throat, and brought it against her mouth. And then began.

"My history with Darkchild was complicated to say the least. While I share a striking resemblance to the Maelstrom he knew and loved, I am not she. I am a doppleganger and it was as a doppleganger that I first met the hero and menace known as Darkchild. Though there was joy in his eyes the first we met... I was the one to quickly shatter his heart upon speaking the truth that his beloved Maelstrom, the one whom he loved with a surprising fervor, was dead and would remain so. Perhaps it was because of his love for her but he offered me his friendship and although reluctant... I accepted. I learned a good deal about the man throughout our friendship. Though he has been a menace to this world , he has also been one of it's protectors when needed the most. He was a complicated man, who perhaps never really knew what he ultimately wanted. But what he did want in the moment he went for. I did not know him as well as others here. But what I did get to know of him... the Darkchild I met was a good man with an extremely complicated past. Love him or hate him everyone gathered here today can not deny the impact he has had not only in each of our lives but in the world as a whole. And for that reason I mourn him even if at times I wanted to smack the smug grin off his face." She laughed some and wiped off her tears.

"Darkchild... I hardly knew you but it doesn't stop me from shedding tears at your funeral. May Heaven or Hell treat you with what honors you deserve and know... that I will help protect what you held dear in your life." And at that her gaze wandered to one particular spot in the room. Where a girl clad in black clothes with the most brilliant emerald eyes looked up at her, her palish orange skin glowing against the lights that shone throughout the room. Vesse'leyna Brekbui'n the daughter of Darkchild and Maelstrom.... and for all intents her daughter even she had not been the one to birth her. Her speech finally ended, she handed the microphone to the next speaker and headed down the small stairs to meet with Alex who waited nearby. She shot him a quick smile but instead of stopping she headed towards the spot in the room she gazed upon during her time up in the stage. She would finally do something she had wanted to do for so long and yet never dared... not until this moment.

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#9  Edited By Feral Nova  Moderator

 When Stephanie received the news of Darkchilds death, a mixtures of feelings consumed her; anger, confusion, she wasn’t happy, but not sad of the death of Darkchild. Hearing about the funeral, she wasn’t even sure if she would go, her history with him gave her a curse, but at the same time saved her life, and for the second part alone, she went to go and pay her last respects to the man who died as a hero.

Feral Nova stood in the rain wearing a simple black dress, her brows colliding with one another as her emerald eyes seemed to be glaring at the casket before the group of others who had come to the funeral. While others where being soaked by the rain, Stephanie was using her powers to keep her body temperature just hot enough, so that the rain would evaporate before even touching her skin. Watching everyone go up one by one as memories of him filled her mind, he had saved millions and killed millions in his life, fought alongside both heroes and villains and in the end lead a hero team of his own and now, he was gone. Just like that.

She didn’t know the exact details of his death, but she knew he sacrificed himself, for the safety of others. Anger built up inside her right then, her fists balling up as she struggled to contain herself. The one way he decides to die, and she cant even have a reason to be pissed at him for it. It wasn’t as if he was trying to destroy the world, or kill an innocent person, or hell, even steal candy from a baby. No… he sacrifice himself, to save others, his team, something she would have done herself in a heartbeat.

Out of the corner of her eye she watched has NeVann made his way up to the casket, and place a single red rose upon it, and stood for a moment, as if speaking to the now deceased legend. She continued to stay silent as he walked pass her, vanishing into the rain, most likely back to the We Are Legend HQ.
With a sigh escaping from her lips, Stephanie slowly walked up to ebony casket, as she brought up with her left hand a single deep pink rose. This color of rose, simply meant ‘Thank you’ in the language of flowers, and as much as she hated to admit it, she was very thankful to him. Bringing the rose to her lips she kissed it as she began to lay it down. “I still don’t understand… why you helped me the way you did, whither it was for revenge against NeVann, some psycho plan you may have had for the future… or simply from your heart, but whatever the reason was, I thank you, because without your help… I wouldn’t be here today.” With those words she placed the flower upon the others, as a small energy shock hit her fingers.
Jerking her hand back she could feel her blood boil, not with anger, but with energy, just like the time when the two shared the kiss that would change her life forever. A look of fear could be seen in her eyes, she knew as long as she lived, his blood will be flowing through her veins, something she wished she thought about, before she accepted help from him.
Slowly turning away she began to make her way away from the casket and the crowd of people who surrounded the area, not making eye contact with anyone. She came what she was to do, and paid her last respects.

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#10  Edited By Precise
 ‘One moment of righteousness does not an excuse a man of a lifetime of evil’.

This sentence summed up perfectly what he thought about Darkchild. His fingers stroked the pages of a book that time had long since forgotten. ‘May God grant you the peace you desire DC, because I don’t grant it to you’. He thought to himself. He laid the book away on the table next to him as he stared outside the window, the rain was crashing into the window with the help of the furiously howling wind. The sky was grey filled with dark clouds, a perfect surrounding for his grim thoughts.

The news of Darkchild’s death left Emile unphased. There were just small encounters between them and even their longest encounter was nothing but a memory tucked away in the back of his mind. Emile had been part of his yellow lantern corps. He saw Darkchild at his darkest moment killing millions in a single strike, an attack Precise refused to do even when he was a villain. Killing always needed a purpose, not simply for enjoyment. They never saw eye to eye on this and ultimately it lead to a break between them when the connection of the ring was severed.

But still, the way he died was heroic, he gave his life for his team and that was something to be respected. There was one part of him that could identify with Darkchild, and that was his path of reflection in becoming a hero. It was not an easy path, it was filled with distrust, and rightfully so.. they had both committed acts of unspeakable evil. Emile could respect what this dark being had done in the last days of his life but couldn’t find it in his heart to excuse him for the years of torture and pain he had brought upon this world. And he would not expect anyone to feel differently about himself. They had both made their choice and had to live with the consequences, at least Emile would still have to..

He would not attend his funeral, to go there when he felt this way about him would be hypocritical. He would not pray for him, nor guide him to the heavens nor would he raise his glass for a drink in his honour. Instead, A few words uttered from his lips that would seal this chapter of his life, it would be his gift to the dark child.

‘Farewell, child of darkness. You stepped into the light at the end of your life. May that be enough for your spirit to find peace.. ‘.

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#11  Edited By _Sojourn_

There are times in this life, the one before, and the next, when something will baffle one's mind. It can be the smallest of things, like a inch worms making it's way across a log, or the largest ponderances like the vastness of space. Today, Slight found himself in one of those situations, and it was the largest ponderance, much vaster than any universe. Slight was going to attend his rivals funeral. Darkchild. Scurge of the Earth, two times over, and yet, he was flying to his funeral. 
"Why" he asked himself repeatedly, as if the answer would flow to him from the heavens. The facts were almost tangible to him. "Darkchild has done so much evil, so much. He killed my family, and started a war in which no one wanted to partake. And because of him, many lives were lost. He destroyed a planet home to a race of people, all because he was not successful in gaining complete control. Then, he turns over a new leaf, and expects the world to forgive all his transgressions. I can't believe he gained followers,...they had to be obliviously ignorant of what he'd done in the past." 
After stopping the idiocy of talking to himself, Slight stopped in mid air, wondering if he would, or should keep going. So much of him wanted to go, and spit in the wretches face, grab him by the throat and kill him once again, but the other side of him wanted to stay out of it. His life had taken a turn for the better, and revisting the past was never a good thing. It always brought up old skeletons that no one needed to see. He was in a dilemma, but decided to go on to the funeral. 
Slight, still couldn't believe he was actually going through with this, and again, he quesioned himself. He questioned his sanity, and his will power to keep his cool. He questioned whether or not, Darkchild deserved his forgivness, for he still, two years later had not forgiven nor forgotten what he did. Avery, tried not to think of it as he entered the hall where the funeral would be held. He also dared not go up to the casket and see the face of the faux hero. 
Waiting for others to show, Slight sat in the back of the room, itching to leave. He paced in a five foot line, wearing the carpet thin. As others began to pour in, Slight took his seat, calmed by the faces of others he knew had similar feelings as he, and others that idolized and praised the once embodiment of evil.
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#12  Edited By Kiara_Sullivan

Tears filled the broken hearted woman that stood before the mirror in a masculine designed bathroom. It had been some time since the Death of Andferne, and yet she thought about him. Not because he was gone but because he was joined by another of her friends. Darkchild had been a very prominent man in her life. Not only had they shared a love but they shared history. And now he was gone, never more to be apart of her growing family. Never more would she be able to tease the man who she had at one time grown to love. 

As fat tears fell down her cheeks she wiped them away. She could hear Emile from where she was. He was not going with her to the funeral, but there was nothing to make her stay. She had to pay her last respects to him. She also had a special gift for him. A gift that would make him smile from his vantage point in heaven. 

Slowly she turned away from the mirror, straightened the short black dress she wore, and left the bathroom. As she emerged her lover lifted his head to look at her. She smiled half heartedly, “Are you sure you will not attend?” The man stood and crossed the room in seconds and wrapped her in his warmth as fresh tears seeped from her eyes. He held her there for a moment before softly kissing the top of her head, “It would not be right for me to go.”  

Kiara sighed slightly and raised up onto her tip toes and kissed Emile softly on the lips, “I wont be long then.” For a moment she stayed in his arms then she pulled away. With a final glance over her shoulder she exited the room and then the building. 

A sleek black sedan stood before the door waiting for her. And an all to familiar face greeted her. A tight smile crept across her face as the man opened the door for her and spoke, “Don’t worry. I’m here only to usher you and your child to the Funeral safely. I mean no harm.” Kiara glares at the white haired man then slowly stepped into the car. She would never trust her ex husband again, but for this one time she would allow him to be the comfort she needed. 

As the car pulled up along the curb outside the Vine Villains headquarters memories flooded her mind. OF a time when the VV had been the most respected Villain team around, and all the members had been feared. She had been apart of that group then. And just like her it seemed that Darkchild would not forget his roots.  

Kiara stepped from the car and grasped Vergil’s hand as he offered it to her. For a moment it was comfortable, but then she dropped her hand and walked forward. It was her way of telling him that no matter what she had moved on and he was only here because she allowed him to be. And that was only because she needed a familiar face during a time of great despair. And after this day she would have no other contact with him. 

As she walked up the hill she noticed the large crowd. Old friends, new ones, heroes, villains. They were all there, congregated in mass to honor a man who had been all of those things to them. People greeted her and a flash of orange skin caught her eyes. For a moment she thought it was Sari. But she knew her oldest friend had passed. She also knew that there was a doppelganger that had taken her place. But she didn’t know why that woman would be here. It didn’t matter, she was here for one thing. She drew along Darkchild’s casket and slowly reached into her purse. When she pulled it out again she very gently placed it atop the polished surface and then drew away. In the place of her hand was a small Iron Skillet. One she had specially made for this day. A single tear fell from her face and then she blended into the crowd again.    

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#13  Edited By Crazy_Eights

You make it known that your a merc with no sanity the world finds the need to hunt you down and comment on the way you live. After the whole disaster that was the Carmine mission the world knew that I was a part of everything. They didnt know everything though, that I was not the man who killed Darkchild or any of the people within the building. I am no saint I will be the first to tell the world but I do NOT kill unless paid to do so. An even with the pay I have a form of morality and killing that man would not have been on the top of my list. So now I hide in a bar deciding if I even decide to make my pressense known at the funeral. He was a good man even when he was evil, he kept to himself never bothered us. 
Then Section 8 went kaput and I was set on my own, not a single iota of help. Sov and the wench left to do their own thing while I was left as the merc without a care. Which was true them leaving didnt cause me to cry aimlessly for nights but it sucked not having a steady pay. Because even as 8 great assassins its hard to get a job or at least a decent one. When Ginju came to me with a job he found me at the lane and I took it without thinking and the pay...oh the pay was beautiful. But I knew he was f@#king us from day one, which is why I planted the bug after he sent us after the lackeys. Little sh!t diserved what Darkchild did to him hahahahahaha prick. 
Crazy sits talking to the mirror in front of him, the bar empty he continues to talk outloud as the bartender simply rolls his eyes at him. I remember how Sov would talk about DC, never anything particularly nice but it never was disrespectful...okay alot of it was but it was said somewhat out of love. And When I found the mans bones on the ground his bulky bones I kinda died a little inside, and when I heard the cops i acted on impulse leaving the woman. WOW I hope shes not at the cant believe Ive made up my mind 
Crazy stands up from the stool and sets down a large wad of cash "Dont close the bar tonight I will be back, I will need to be trashed later after today." Crazy gets into his Hummer and drives removing all his weapons from his body he sets them in the passenger seat finally making it to the funeral. Everyone was already up at the site, he took his uniform off and got into a suit and stepped out of the car. The bouncer if you could call him that glared at him with rage and stepped forward asking for weapons and finding none reluctantly let Crazy up. His walk up was long and it was torture the glares were everywhere, he remembers how the amateur videos caught him leaving the building after Darkchilds death and the reporters saying he was in on it. Soverign and Mistress were most likely very angry at him but he didnt care the whole world was most likely angry with him but he didnt care. He was here for one thing, grabbing the microphone from a guest he went to the front and as the angry eyes glared he spoke from his heart. 
"F@#k you all." he chuckled an continued "I wanted to get that out first alright." his other minds were suprised that Zeek was capable of such emotions they were feeling " I am here to pay respects to a man my colleges thought was the most right prick,bastard, asshole and damn good man you could ever find...if he liked you. The man we are here for today was someone everyone knew he was pure." Everyone wide eyed him "He was pure in that no matter what he fell under be it villain or good he was the purest form of it. He could be the greatest savior or the worlds executioner. I only KNEW the man for the last few weeks but i knew OF him for many years, part of me looks to him as a hero and another finds him a disgrace to what he was." Grendal and Jacob nod within their mind "But one thing we all agree on is that Darkchild was a man of honor, he was a man loyal to those he saw as family or a team. Even in betrayal he was loyal to someone Sovereign told me once, and the wench she told me the man was someone never to be trifled with. But I knew him and saw him the last day of his life, he gave his life to protect the people of New York a place that had become his new home and base for his team. He gave his dying breath for his people, and I right now." Crazy pulls a card out an slams it down on the podium "Swear that I will help bring the man who forced him into taking his life to save us down, and I will help anyone who needs me. Be it my weapons or my skills they are here for you to use as you wish to bring the man in question to justice, because I met Ginju the one who forced Darkchilds hand. And he is not going to stop with Darkchild, he is going to take all of the heavy hitters down one by one. And I will not let that happen." Crazy tosses the microphone into the air and its caught by a random person in the crowd. "Gren take us home." And with that Crazy disappears into the darkness under a tree. 

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#14  Edited By Cryo-Wolf

 The rain fell. That's it. It simply fell. It wasn't pouring, nor was it drizzling. It simply rained, the type of rain that faded into the background until you never knew it was there. You couldn't feel the drops, but you could feel it raining. It was an odd type of rain, that only seemed to fall when you were in some way sad.
That fit perfectly with him. He sat in a faraway tree ten feet from the ground, straddling a bough with his back against the trunk. One leg was lifted up so that his arms could rest on his knee as he stared through the gaps in the canopy. The sky was a pallid shade of gray, a blank canvas that had its painting ripped off too soon. He stared up at it blankly, hoping for some reprieve that wouldn't come. Every now and then, he would bang his head lightly against  the trunk, to remind him that he really was there, and this wasn't all some strange, vivid dream.
He wore only a long-sleeved baseball t-shirt and jeans, despite the chill in the air. His name was Cryo-Wolf. Cryo for short. Well, technically, his real name was Scott Wolfman, but he never went by that anymore. It was a long story that involved house fires, vampire hellspawns, and the death of his parents. In his human form, he would have bronze glasses covering chocolate brown eyes, with hair of the same chocolate pallor maneuvered into a faux hawk. But Cryo had more than one form.
Cryo was a werewolf. Well, not a werewolf technically. More like a synthetic, man-made werewolf created in a military super-soldier project by accident. Again, long story. But there he sat, brown fur coursing over his body, blue tattoos criss-crossing the length of the fur. His hair had grown into a shaggy mop that extended to just past his ears, which themselves had grown more wolf-like along with his nose. His eyes had changed into a vibrant bluem the same as his tattoos. His tail flicked nervously, like it did whenever he was deep in thought, or when he was waiting for the next episode of Power Rangers. 
"Are they still there?" He spoke to no one in particular.
Below him, two figures stood. Well, one stood, the other sat. The one who stood, the boy, faced of into the distance, focusing anywhere but the sight before them. He was about Cryo's size, with his arms crossed over his chest. He wore black converse with baggy black jeans, as well as a bright blue zip-up hoodie that was two sizes too big, a bio-hazard symbol adorning the front. The bagginess of his clothes made him appear bigger than he actually was. He was actually quite thin, but strangely muscular at the same time. He wore a dark gray billed stocking cap over his jet black hair, the ends of which were dyed the same blue as his hoodie.  A sweep of his hair fell below the cap, covering his left eye. He had a sharp, angled chin that anyone would fall for, that is, if they hadn't already seen his dashing blue eyes that seemed to glow against his light skin. A pair of headphones hung around his neck, Bodies by Drowning Pool blaring from the speakers. That was Bruce. One of Cryo's best friends.  He didn't talk very much. He was more of the musical type. To put it simple, he was a fairly normal teen until he listened to his music.
The girl sat with her knees lifted to her chest, facing the large crowd that had amassed on the opposite end of the meadow that lay at the foot of their hill. She wore purple sneakers and black skinny jeans, and a black and purple striped zip-up hoodie. Her raven black hair striped with violet was pulled back into a ponytail that rested over her right shoulder. She had her hood pulled up over her head. Her round, angelic face seemed to be carved from white marble, both due to its color and its sheer perfection. Her eyes were open wide, her strangely mesmerizing violet eyes literally glowing as opposed to Bruce's, which only had the appearance of glowing. Every now and then, her lip would quiver. A black messenger bag hung from her shoulders, its contents forever a mystery until she pulled something out of it. That was Ghoul, real name Verona Darkmage. Another of Cryo's best friends. Her nickname said everything about her.
"Yup." Bruce said, not even looking at the crowd of people. "Still there."
Cryo lolled his head to the right, seeing the ruins of statues sticking up through the crowd. He recognized some of them, a fact Cryo wasn't too proud of. It was how he'd been able to find the place. It was the old Vine Villians headquarters. Cryo had once been a member. Well, not Cryo, exactly, but the beast within him. It was a dark time he didn't like to bring up. But he couldn't help but think of it, when he remembered why they were here. "Then he's really dead.?" Cryo asked, in the halfhearted, distracted tone as before. Him. DC. One of Cryo's past acquaintances. No. Not acquaintance. Friend.
Ghoul mumbled something unintelligible that Cryo took for affirmation. They had been passing through when they got wind that he'd died. Cryo had dropped everything and came here. He was the only one who knew where to go. They all agreed they didn't want to attend the funeral. Instead, they'd watch from afar. They shouldn't be in that crowd anyways. All of those people new the DC that died. But not Cryo. Bruce, Ghoul, and Cryo remembered the DC that lived. They didn't know what he was like when he died. If they went into that crowd, they'd learn what he was like. And they didn't want their memory to change.
Cryo smirked with nostalgia. "I wonder what power he had? I still remember when he stole the powers others." He giggled, remembering the time DC had borrowed Cryo's abilities and subsequently suffered from a wicked case of fleas for a week.
"He knew a fair amount of dark magic." Ghoul piped in, finally at a discernible pitch. "I can feel its strength from here." Ghoul knew a thing about magic. Ghoul was a ghost. Not only that, but she was a witch as well. Oh, and a daughter of Hecate, Goddess of Witchcraft and the Supernatural. If she was sensing some serious dark mojo, then it was big. That was something Ghoul and Cryo had in common. They each had a god for a parent.
Cryo pulled his gaze away from the crowd, instead staring off into the distance. He held out his hand, and droplets of rain fell from the surrounding leaves, forming a ball of swirling water above his palm. Being a Son of Poseidon had its advantages when it rained. He stared into the waters for a while, thinking. He heard the song still blaring from Bruce's speakers and looked to him.
Bruce knew Cryo's question without even having him ask it. There were so much alike in that regard. Ghoul and Cryo were the best of friends. Each one either complemented the other, or their personalities synced up. With Bruce, it was different. They were complete opposites, almost, but that's what made their connection strong. They were two grapes of the same vine, but Bruce was the sour one, and Cryo was the perfectly ripe one. Bruce turned, facing the same direction as Ghoul. "It was DC's favorite song." He said to Cryo. "He was always the metalhead when I need one. I could go to him whenever I needed a good headbang." It was a marvel for Bruce to talk this much. "Sorry, dude." Bruce said, sensing Cryo's perturbed gaze, "You were always my emo screamo alternative bud, anyways."
Cryo had to smile at that. His friends always made him feel better, especially these two. Cryo looked closer at Bruce. Stoic and taciturn, he never talked nor did he ever have a facial expression, pretty much, which led many to the conclusion that he had no emotions. Hell, even Bruce said that often. But Cryo knew better. His face was emotionless as stone, but Cryo saw the meaning behind his eyes. They glistened, as though thoughts were flying behind them. Bruce was taking this as hard as Cryo and Ghoul. He just didn't show it.
Cryo's ears twitched as he heard someone speak at the funeral. Calling people fakes and such. Cryo turned his head and growled, baring his fangs. Not everyone there wanted DC dead. Whoever the hell this guy was, he was obviously drunk or something. Still, Cryo couldn't stand it.
"Easy there, big guy." Bruce said, turning to flash Cryo a look. 
Cryo let his growl die down, but he still held his grudge. Someone had insulted his friend. That was the one thing to get on Cryo's nerves. He looked back at Bruce. Their gazes met, and Cryo nodded in agreement. He laid his hand upon the bough of the tree, and, using his acrobatic prowess lifted his himself into a one-handed hand stand. shifting his weight, Cryo swung down onto the ground, landing on his haunches beside Ghoul. Ghoul turned and smiled the best she could in her state. Cryo reciprocated the best he could as well. 
Cryo stood, still bending the ball of water in the air. "Let's do this." He said. Ghoul nodded up at him, standing up with his offered hand.
Ghoul opened her messenger bag and brought out a mangy old book. The leather was cracked with age, and the once golden buckle was bronzed with rust. This was her grimoire, the book from which she drew her most complex and difficult spells. She waved a hand over the buckle and it flew open. Ghoul turned to a specific page and nodded to Cryo to begin.
He knelt down by the base of the tree and began digging with his claws, forming a small hole in-between two roots. He stood, stepping back. He held up the ball of water, and extended his other hand to the rain outside the tree's cover. A few drops flew from their intended path and added to the ball's mass. Once it was of an appropriate size, Cryo began molding it in mid-air, changing certain parts to ice while still keeping it fluid. When he was done, he let the finished product drop into his open palm--7 inch tall statue of DC himself, for remembrance. Channeling an extra bit of power into the ice, Cryo willed it never to melt, but instead to spread the cold outward, which would in turn keep it frozen. He knelt and lay the statue in the hole.
Bruce stepped forward, bringing the objects he'd gotten out of Ghoul's bag. He knelt and produced a stack of about five CDs. All of them were DC's favorites that Bruce was giving up from his own collection. Sure, he had all of the songs still on his iPod, and that's what he used most of the time, but the CDs were symbolic. He placed them in the hole beside the statue.
Ghoul extended her hand toward her bag, her other hand still holding the grimoire. her eyes glowed pinkish-purple, and an object floated from her bag. It was a small, palm-sized stone shaped almost like an oval. It was a stone Ghoul had prepared before they arrived at the burial site. It was a spell she had found in the grimoire and made sure to remember it. She had carved some runes around the edge of the stone, and had later poured all of her memories of DC into it, including the first time they met and all of the good times they shared. The stone now glowed with a slight shine that signified the memories' presence. It was a common ritual, attaching one's memories to a physical object to make sure they're never forgotten. It floated from her bag into the hole along with the other objects.
Then the three of them reached into their pockets and pulled out a small mechanical device, akin to a walkie talkie, with the letters NAO imbued over the speaker. They had kept their NAO communicators. The three of them were on the team with DC. Ghoul's eyes glowed once more and all three communicators floated into the hole. Ghoul nodded to Cryo, who then covered the hole up.

Cryo and Bruce stood on either side of Ghoul. Dropping her eyes to the mystical runes written on the pages, Ghoul began to chant in an ancient language with her hand extended to the covered hole, and the wind around the tree picked up. Her words mingled with the rustling leaves, and soon grass began to grow over the disrupted earth, making it seem as though it had never been disturbed in the first place. Then, a small bud poked through the ground over the spot where the hole was. It grew taller and sprouted leaves, until a tall black rose stood, its dark bud blooming fully and lusciously. 
Ghoul uttered the final word, and the incantation was complete. Ghoul shut the grimoire and lowered her hand, walking over to the flower. she cupped the bud in her hand and sniffed its aroma. Smiling, she said, "It's done." She stood, turning to the boys. "The rose won't die, as long as the memory that spawned it stays alive."
"Good. That won't happen." Cryo said. 
There was a pause of silence, filled by the falling raindrops. Bruce spoke up. "We'll be in the car, bud." Bruce said, putting his arm around Ghoul and walking toward the rain.
Cryo was about to follow when he froze. He breathed in a scent he hadn't smelled in forever. He spun, looking closer at the crowd. She was here. Kiara. He almost cried. He hadn't seen both Kiara and DC in forever, and now one was dead and the other was within reach. He wanted to run up to her and hug her, he'd missed her so. He took a step to run towards the crowd, and he felt a firm grip on his shoulder, from a hand that never failed to stop him in his tracks. He looked back to see Bruce, his eyes more serious than usual. He shook his head firmly, and as he did, Cryo felt a hand slip into his own. He turned his head to see Ghoul looking up at him. "It's not worth it." she said. She'd sensed Kiara as well. "We can't involve ourselves, Cryo." Bruce patted him hard once more on the shoulder and turned, flipping his hood up and walking towards the rain. Ghoul stood on her tiptoes andwrapped her arms around Cryo's neck, burying her head in his shoulder. Cryo reciprocated, engaging in the hug he knew he needed. "I miss them all too." He heard Ghoul whisper. She stepped back, blinking away the tear that rolled down her cheek. she nodded and gulped, turned and meeting up with Bruce. He wrapped his arm around his girlfriend's shoulder, and together they waited for Cryo.
Cryo looked back at the crowd. With great strength, he pulled himself away and stepped toward the rose. He knelt, touching the rose gently with his claw. He didn't know what DC was in terms of  beliefs, or even if he had any. But Cryo had them. He muttered some words in ancient Greek, wishing DC's spirit safe passage through the Underworld. Cryo then took his claw and scratched out 'DC' on the tree trunk, just above the rose. Cryo stood, looking down at their makeshift memorial. The new DC would have his grave, and the DC they remembered would have his. He wouldn't be forgotten, and when Cryo thought that, he saw the rose bloom a bit more. "Goodbye, DC." Cryo whispered to the wind, hoping it would carry the message to its rightful recipient.
"Let's go, leg humper." Cryo heard Bruce say. Cryo couldn't help but smile and DC's nickname for him. He looked to his two friends and nodded. They all stepped into the rain, walking down the hill to the road, where Cryo's car, Areion, was parked. Bruce and Ghoul had their hoods up, Ghoul snuggled close to Bruce, but Cryo let the rain fall on him. It reminded him that everything was real, as in these cases, he often liked to think everything wasn't. Cryo opened the door to his white Buick Skylark with blue racing stripes, and Bruce and Ghoul piled into the back seat.
Cryo sat down in the seat, looking over to Simba, his dog, in the passenger seat. Simba slicked his ears back and leaned in to sniff Cryo like he did alot. "I'm fine, buddy." Cryo said. Simba wagged his tail, his ears once more returning to their upright positions.
Just then, Cryo felt his pocket vibrating, and Be Prepared from the Lion King filled the cab. Cryo pulled out his phone and slid it up, pressing the phone to his ear. "Jag." He spoke into the mouthpiece.
"'Sup, Furball?" Jag spoke. Jag was their techie, put simply. He was a Son of Dionysus that happened to be very skilled in computers. He called Cryo and the gang every now and then to tell them some information they might want to know, give them a certain mission, or talk to Cryo about the latest Pokemon news. He was just as nerdy as Cryo was, with an intelligence to match. "How'd it go?"
Cryo nodded. "Fine." He turned the ignition and Areion roared to life, revving with pent-up power. Cryo put it into gear and pulled out of their spot, beginning to drive down the rain-plagued backroad. "What have you got for us?"

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#15  Edited By Kiara_Sullivan

The rain fell, it drenched the already watery cheeks of Kiara as she huddled closed to the blue clad figure who refused to leave her side. She was thankful for him being there, but deep down she wished it was Emile. She wished she could have changed his mind, she wanted him here with her. Wanted the comfort of his arms around her as she mourned the loss of one of her longest friends. But she knew the reasons for him staying behind. And she respected them. It still didn’t change the fact that she wished he was here instead of this man she despised so much.

 Time passed, people said their goodbyes, some left, but the majority stayed. It almost seemed as if they, like herself didn’t want to believe the truth of it. Darkchild was gone. No longer would he be there to crack jokes, to make them laugh in times of sadness, to be the pervert everyone new him to be. And as Kiara thought of those moments she felt a presence in the distance. She turned her head towards it and closed her eyes as the all to familiar aura’s of Bruce, Ghoul, and Cryo washed over her. She felt Cryo’s draw closer momentarily and then fall back once more. The hope of seeing him was to much for her. She pulled away from Vergil and pushed through the crowd.  

As she broke through the edge of the crowd and looked into the distance she saw them looking in the direction of the crowd. Then they turned and started off. Kiara didn’t wait to see if they would return, she took off in their direction as hope filled her heart. It had been so long since she saw Scott. So long since she heard the sound of one of her best friends voice. But as she neared the place where they had been she realized that their presence had disappeared. They were gone. For a moment she stood in the place she had seen them. But then she fell to her knees and leaned forward into the grass below the tree. She lay like that for a long while and cried. She cried for the three she had missed by just moments, cried for the loss of Darkchild, and cried for all the friends she had lost and had yet to lose.   

A hand brushed against her shoulder and she looked up briefly, only to see the single Rose that grew in front of her. She stared at it for a moment then smiled softly. She knew why the rose was there. She could feel the magic of Ghoul, the essence of Bruce, and the touch of Cryo. She brushed the rose with her finger then stood. She looked at the bark of the tree and touched the fresh scratch that bore Darkchild. Her tears had never stopped and they didn’t hold back now as she spoke quietly, “I miss you guys.”    

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#16  Edited By The_Ghostshell

 He was one of thee originals, one of thee elite. Loyal almost to a fault. Placing the well being of his team and his leader above his own desires and personal glory. It was this very dedication that defined the warrior known as Darkchild. The capacity for great deeds resides in all living creatures waiting for that one decisive moment in which ones hidden potential is finally unlocked. During one such moment when the illustrious Vine Villains had turned on their leader, the Mighty Magneto, Darkchild stood shoulder to shoulder with his injured commander. Against overwhelming odds he helped preserve the dream that was Magneto's vision. In time, the reigns were handed over and Darkchild took his place among the greatest names ever to grace the halls of the VV.

Gambler had been there from the beginning. Alongside his brother in arms embarking on a crusade of epic battles, devastating Civil Wars, and interplanetary confrontations. As each man grew stronger and inevitably more arrogant, they drifted apart. Finding themselves on opposite sides more often then not. Yet both held one another in the highest regard. So when news of Darkchild's demise reached the King of King's ear, his blackened heart was filled with sadness. "Entrez dans le vieil ami de morceau" {Translated: Go in peace old friend}

Like a conquering warlord Gambler and his entourage descended upon the hollowed out remains of the VV castle. Over looking the Scottish shore the palace had been one of the most prestigious monuments in the World, but now only charred remains and fractured support beams remained. Statues of former leaders lined the foundation, their expressionless faces gazing down on the magnificent casket. The Cajun's newly formed Shadow Initiative immediately fanned out setting up a perimeter while their leader marched towards the final resting place of Darkchild. He could see the familiar faces of enemies past and present as well as old friends. However his eye contact was limited. He had not come to settle old scores nor did he consider anyone in the room his equal.

Instead he took one knee alongside the ivory coated casket and whispered something only the keenest ear could detect. Then, in one swift motion, he drew his blade from its hilt and spun it while simultaneously removing the right hand of Darkchild with a surgically precise strike. Gasps of shock and disbelief resonated from behind as the Cajun had seemingly just desecrated the body so many had come to pay respect to. Without a word the Living Legend tucked the severed hand within his cloak and left as abruptly as he had arrived.

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#17  Edited By _Sojourn_

It had been a while now since Slight arrived, and throngs of people had showns up. He wasn't surprised, as terrible of a person DC was, he was in a way liked. Many people, including Slight, although he would reluctantly admit too it, liked the fact that DC was always himself, and bowed to no one's rules but his own. People went up to place trinkets, and flowers upon his casket, but Slight would not. He would try and remain as part of the shadows, and not be seen at this place. He didn't know why, but there was a connection that pulled him to this place he didn't want to be, sort of like the syndrome of not wanting to watch a car crash but finding youself completley glued to the carnal wreckage. 
There were faces that he recognized, like Precise, his fellow team mate, and Feral Nova, a friend from WAL. And then there were faces that he'd not scene in the longest time. People like Cryo Wolf, and Maelstrom. Both of which had been out of action for quite some time, and for them to come out of thier personal lives and once again show thier faces at a funeral none the less, was a true testimate to how, and who Darkchild was. 
Slight, saw as Nova walked away from the casket, after placeing flowers upon it. He saw her face, and it looked like one of ambiguity. Mixed emotions about what today represented:  The loss of one of the greatest threats, and the person who gave her power beyond her own capability. Slight knew of this interaction from fights and discussions they'd had. He rejoiced in the fact that Darkchild did die while he still had enmity for him, right now, there was nothing he wanted more than to desicate the remains of his enemy's body but because of his ties to the heroic world, he chose to comfort Nova. 
Walking up to her, he spoke in a low tone, trying not to seem too excited for the occasion. "Hey...So, how is everything at WAL."? Instantly Slight wanted to take back that statement, it was stupid and soporific of him. But, he couldn't. 
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#18  Edited By Risque
Vultures. Degenerated beasts living from the carcass of society. Thriving on other people's pain. With other words: Reporters. They were not much better than the man whose funeral they attended on this rainy day to sate their glutttonous hunger for new sensations. 
Risque had known that man more intimate than most people who swarmed around his coffin now. Although she had not known him as long as some other guests they had shared a lot. As she sat in the luxurious limousine and drove through the cordon of papparazzi and the few serious journalists every flash of a camera that tried to get a good picture from "Darkchild's lover" as they called her brought a new memory back to her mind. Regally seated in the dark fond of the big armored car she relived her whole relationship  with him in the artificial lightningstorm of the flashlights.
Their first meeting in some filthy nondescript place and how they had formed a strong bond to destroy their enemies. Sex had only come naturally. A strange connection did they have from the first moment, nothing that many people would call romantic except if they called disembowling romantic. Great plans they had made to crush their opponents beneath their mighty feet but in the end it had been nothing but empty wishes. Too long it had taken them and now he was gone, her biggest chance on revenge lay in an ebony coffin now and would never help her again to reach her goal. So many plans made, so much time lost, so many opportunities missed, so much potential wasted. What would become now?
The moment she stepped out of the black vehicle in her black dress with the veil and the expensive silver fox stola the jumped at her from all sides. Curious faces hungry for information that would buy them food and shelter for another day shouted questions at her, some hands even tried to grab her to stop her on her way and get a few words from her. From every angle and direction they came, treating her like a piece of flesh, something to be used like she had been used in her past. No more.
Out of a sudden she stopped. Right where she stood. This caught the "journalists", those greedy rats, off guard. A simple twist of her ankle brough one of her weapons to her hand, her favourite one, one of her treasured hook swords. In a display of grace and violence at the same time she swirled around and cut one of the television cameras in half. The camera man still looked at the two pieces of his precious device falling to earth as she raised her voice, nothing more than a hate filled hissing that nevertheless conveyed the message:

"Okay, listen to me you worthless tools... I will not tolerate this any longer. The next one who dares to speak to me or even touches me will be dealt with accordingly. The next poor son of a b1tch who is suicidal enough to do that will share the fate of the camera, do you understand me? Now leave me alone!"
For a moment she read the  tension in those faces around her. After her outbreak of violence common sense fought with greed in them. Common sense won as even the hardcore papparazzi went for more popular and less dangerous targets. Risque showed no sign of triumph in her face and continued on her seemingly eternal walk to the wooden box in which the corpse of Darkchild rested.
Finally she had finished her journey to her personal Canossa and stood at the what remained from her former lover. The stench of the roses almost made her puke and the way his body was presented seemed so inadequate. Whoever had the idea to preparate him this way didn't know him at all. His body was almost drowned in the crimson petalled flowers, even if she had deemed them appropriate it would have been of no meaning to add another one to the collection. No, she had something different in store. Something that would accompany the half demon in the afterlife and remind him of her. A dagger. Almost respectfully she placed the twinkling artwork among the roses. Only when she was sure it lay there safe she spoke the last words for him:

"Be sure I won't miss you. I don't know if I am even able to miss anything, much less a living being. But athough you have disappointed me, although you turned around to be one of these goddammed white hats, although you didn't hold up your part of our deal I will remember you. That is more than you can ask of me for the things you have done for me. Live with it... or not!"
That being said she turned around and took her seat for the ceremony to unfold.
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#19  Edited By Feral Nova  Moderator
 ‘This feeling… it wont go away…’ she looked down at her hand that was ‘shocked’ by the energy from Darkchild’s casket, flexing her fingers she could still feel that tingle, her mind was racing with what it could have been as she continued to make her way out, that is until she almost ran into Slight. If he wouldn’t have said anything, she would have rammed right through him. Her eyes jerked up in surprise as she stopped dead in her tracks, it took her a moment to realize that he was speaking to her.
S-slight?” She spoke softly as she slightly shook her head, trying to clear her mind. “um… WAL? Oh!” Realizing what he asked she took in a sharp breath. “Um… its going great, were getting new members almost everyday.” She forced a smile upon her face to hide the anxiety inside. “Just… you know us, busy, busy!” she tried to show enthusiasm in her voice. “How… are you doing? You… ok?” She was embarrassed to ask, the last time she saw the hydro hero, was in the King of the Vine tournament when she went demonic on him. It was humiliating, here she was, suppose to be a hero, and she had demon blood flowing through her body, taking over her own senses.
Her ears then caught the gasps of surprise that where coming from the casket. Her head whipped around to find Gambler making his way out of the area, holding onto the pail hand of Darkchild. Nova’s jaw clenched tightly as her right hand balled up into a fist. She knew that he wasn’t just going to use it as a back scratcher, no… he had a plan up his sleeves already, it was only a matter of time before the world would find out what it was. She knew confronting him there and now was a bad idea, too many people, heroes, anti-heroes, villains and civilians around to start up anything. They would just have to wait and see.

She then turned her head back to Slight. “Sorry.” She spoke for her actions, as she relaxed her muscles once Gambler made his way out. Just then flashes of cameras blinded Nova, reporters coming up to her after their scare with Risque to come and harass the heroes. “Ugh…” Nova sighed as she turned to the reporters who where yelling out questions after questions. With a snap of her finger one of the reporters mic's melted in their hands, yelling from the heat he dropped it as they all suddenly stayed quiet for a second. “If you guys want to keep the photos you have now, leave us alone.” Her face like stone as she spoke to the reporters who simply nod their heads, walking away from the two heroes. Stephanie sighed as she turned once again towards Slight. "Sorry... again."

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#20  Edited By _Sojourn_

The two hero's conversed more. They shared words, and then Nova stopped, and turned around to look back. Slight peered aside from her, to see as well. Gambler, probably the most notorious villian to ever walk the planet was at the casket now. He held Darkchilds hand speaking subtle tones to him. The room fell to silence, and one thing was on his mind. It was probably on everyone elses minds as well. Everyone knew of Gambler, and how he constantly looked for opportunities to enhance his own rights, and Slight thought that he must have had something in his mind, maybe insanity, or maybe just sincere grief. The amount of heroes that showed up here were more than a deterent, and even with all the Neutrals, and redies that walked the room, it was still a bold move.  
A fog of photographers swarmed the room, and a villianess who went by Risque threatened them to leave her, and so they did, and they came up to Slight and Nova. She was the first to repremand them "If you guys want to keep the photos you have now, leave us alone" Slight thought it perfect, and because they all knew she was, they knew that in this case she was serious. She spoke to him once again, "Sorry...again."  
"Don't worry about it. I know the feeling...being distracted by something you wish could just leave your life and never bother you again. Yeah...I know the feeling. But, I'm glad to hear everything at WAL is good. ICE is doing fine as well...."
he took a pause and came out with what he wanted to say for real. "Look...I don't know why I'm even hear. The history me and DC share was more than enough to keep me away, but...I still came anyway. I hate him with every fiber of my being, but oddly enough, I respect him in a way....I've been resisting the temptation to go up there and spit in his dead cold face, I guess it's the hero goodiness that's keeping me from it. But, I do want to go up there though, you know...Make some type of peace with him...Do you think I should" 
Slight asked Feral Nova, a good friend, and a fellow hero, for advice, which he never did. Today was full of firsts for him,
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#21  Edited By Feral Nova  Moderator

 She smiled at hearing how ICE was doing, it was team she always admired and hoped for WAL to become like it one day. Strong leaders, strong members, always ready to fight the good fight, it made her smile just thinking about it. But then... he seemed to hesitate for a moment, it wasn’t about the team that he wanted to ask about, it was something… more on a personal level he wanted to talk about and it caught her a bit off guard. Stephanie listened as the fellow hero asked for her advice, which was something not a lot of people asked for from her. She took a breath and turned her head back to where the casket was, then looked back at Slight, she had to be careful what she was about to say. She stood for a moment, thinking of the right words, then looked into the heroes eyes.

“I know what you mean… about wanting to spit in his face.” She smirked, thinking about going back and slapping the corps across the face. “But… to keep that hate inside of you, for someone who is no longer alive, will just eat you alive.” She then placed her hand upon his shoulder. “Go up there… and make peace with him, not for him, or because he deserves it. But for you, so you wont have to live with that hate inside of you .” She then pulled back her hand and kept silent, waiting to see what the Hydro Hero was going to do next.

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#22  Edited By Day Hunter
"And at the end of the day everyone will return to their homes only to discover, someone is dead"-DH
The rain came down upon the earth like a thousand tears of heaven, or perhaps hell, or maybe even both shed sighs of sorrow and happiness. Samuel stood amongst the crowd of both civilians and more than likely many other meta humans. His tux slowly soaked up the water as he stood there staring at the grave that now held the body of the infamous Darkchild. DC as he was called for short, had been a man of great wonder, having the abilities to destroy the world then in the next few seconds be working to save it. Sometimes Samuel believed he put the horrible actions in place just so he could see what would happen before stepping in to save everyone, to leave his everlasting mark upon the earth. 
The soggy ground made horrid mushy sounds as Samuel made his way up to the tombstone. He knelt down and whispered these words into the mud, "Of all the funerals and deaths I expected to hear about this day, yours was not one them. Rest easy now my brother, for even though we didn't always see eye to eye I know you wanted to the right thing deep down." Next he moved his hand across the mound of mud in a cross formation before laying his own personal cross necklace down upon the grave and saying these final few words, "May the father bless you and forgive you of all your sins, for even if he doesn't never fear brother, the rest of us shall see you down in hell soon enough."  before getting up and moving on allowing the next person in line to say their words of grief. 
As he turned his eyes fell upon the figure of non other than Talon, he slowly reached up, tempted to rip off his tux revealing his crimson red suit so he could finish what the two had started a short while ago. Suddenly a million thoughts flooded his mind as the hero inside him was now torn, he didn't know what to do. Finally he decided just to let it go, for today it did not matter whether you were labled a hero, a villain or whatever else, they were all gathered to mourn in the death of a brother. His eyes continued to scan the area as he saw the faces of many noted villains and hero's alike. He stood back now away from the crowd, as the shadows of loneliness crept into his mind,  he knew that few if any in attendance knew who he was, but deep down thats what he wanted, it protected both himself and his loved ones. After a few moments he grinned as the man known as Slight approached the beauty that was Feral Nova. Nova, she was the true definition of Femme Fatale, her beauty was enough to dumbfound any man but her skills in combat were not something to be laughed at. 
After a short while more of watching his fellow meta human's he turned to take his leave knowing that while everyone was here someone needed to be on duty, for the wickedness of the world doesn't stop when you are down, it simply gets more aggressive.
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#23  Edited By Dreadmaster

Darkness… a color that is never ridden of. It lies deep within the confines of inanimate objects, inside living creatures and in the deepest corners of space and hell. It is abundant and nigh impossible to diminish, in a way it’s a necessity, to offset all the colors that would plague the world. Colors that are kept in check, and eventually all colors die, leaving darkness there to consume it though today, it seems that darkness itself has been consumed. Darkchild, a name that struck fear into the lives of villains and heroes alike, his darkness has been expunged by the light. His funeral is held today.

Rain, water formed into droplets, created through evaporation of water and condensation through clouds, pummels the earth nearly every hour as it was doing today. Werner stood behind a tall, soaked oak tree at least 50 yards away from the burial site of his old conniving master, at the Vine Villains HQ. There like many other people to pay his humble respects to the man that changed his life. It may have been one encounter but it was one that would never be forgotten in Werner’s head. An encounter that forever changed how Werner looked at life, perceived, fought, teachings that became an integral part of his life as his mind.

Werner always reflected a lot on his past, a weakness indeed though if there was any appropriate time to reflect it was now. How could such a evil man turn so good in an instant? Lots of people questioned it but Werner never bought it, he may have died a hero but his soul was and still is eternally tainted. Would anyone forgive Hitler if he died trying to save his family? It would seem noble but in the end he would still have killed millions of jews, one act of good does not excuse a man of a lifetime of treachery. Darkchild was evil, as evil as a man could get, but then so was Werner, even when he tried to play good he was always tainted with the thoughts of harming living things. Even though its not his fault the Master of Dread still urged for blood, gore, he always yearned for it now its just even moreso.

Darkchild and Dread may have been more similar than they could have thought, they both like killing people, they lust for power, have the same powers and have used a power suit at one time or another and they both can spew crazy banter from their mouths. Even with all the similarities there is one difference that is undeniable. Darkchild laid six feet under while Werner remained imprisoned in a corporeal body.

Werner waited until dark, when said darkness consumed the grave and those who paid respects were long gone to finish they’re grieving elsewhere. Werner stepped out from behind the tree, clad in black leather jeans, black shirt and a yet another black trenchcoat. His long hair that flowed only in darkened areas masked half of his face as he stepped to the burial site of his master.

Werner looked at the tombstone which inscribed Darkchild’s name, life timeline and not much beside that. Werner shed no tear for the event, even though he felt he should, his legacy ran through Werner’s veins, the powers bestowed upon him a constant reminder of the lifelong mission Darkchild meant for him to carry out, but Werner would need a little more help to accomplish this mission. Help from the only man who can.

The Apprentice of Prep knelt directly over the casket in which Darkchild was placed, hands spread out and on the floor in a front rest leaning position. He didn’t have all eternity to extract what remaining essence Gen had left. The connection still remained strong, Dread knew he was the only man capable of doing such a task, but to keep the legacy of the most vilest man alive it was necessary.

As Werner was kneeling over the casket he dug deep inside to find the energy of Darkchild that remained in him in order to reach out to the body six feet below. Finally finished searching, Werner’s body became encased in a bright pink aura, flowing gracefully around his body. It was an illuminating sight, Werner’s body glowed so brightly and so much energy passed through it he fell in a state of ecstasy. After minutes of a light show, the energy started dissipating towards the hands. With a loud grunt and roar Werner made his climatic attempt to reach out his energy to Darkchild’s body. The aura started flowing rapidly around Werner in a typhoon-like structure, it reached so high above it shone farther than the shine of a lighthouse revealing the horizon. The ground shook and patches of grass began to float, it was a complete sight of awe, energies flew around and in a sudden loud thundering jolt, a large blob of energy slammed into Dread’s body, sending him flying in the air and onto the ground.

Static discharges from the friction of the energy surged through Werner’s body, hot as burning coal. Werner slowly came back to his senses. There laid a three-inch gash on his forehead just above his left eyebrow, stinging and writhing as if salt was littered over it suddenly was covered in a dark smoke. The smoke dissipated and the gash was gone. He got back to his feet rather slowly and caught sight of the ruined graveyard there, wasn’t going to be long before the caretaker came to check the area. Werner took in a deep breath and exhaled, feeling much more alive than ever before, he could feel that his darkness and energy siphoning powers skyrocketed, his every action felt like a renewed ecstatic sensation. He felt great, powerful, like a god.

Feeling god-like, he turned to the tombstone and looked at it one last time before he was off. He extended his hand out and in an instant a dark rose appeared out of thin air. Dread released it, a dark rose as a show of thanks and gratitude for what the dark master gave to him. Before leaving he gave one last thought for Darkchild to hear.

“Thank you, thank you for what you’ve given me, sleep well now for your return to be magnificient because we both know…” Taking in a deep breath, his head tilted up as if he was staring into the stars themselves, then letting out a last exhale before finishing “…Legends Never Die…”    

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  Rain, bloody f#cking rain.  It always rains on days like this. Generally, it's in the background, like static on the radio, It does'nt really matter but it always annoys you. That's the kind of rain this was. Little blue and grey droplets of acidic sh!t fell down onto the coffin, pitter-pattering on the slick black casket.
The truth was, Drifter had no idea the connection he had in past lives to Darkchild. Genesis was just another bloke to people like Drift, yet for some strange reason..the hero could sympathize with DC.  A man who generally tried to reform but was still drawn back to his own dangerous habits.   At least that's what the press said, but hell, you can never believe the papers...they'll only lie to you. His eyes darted around the room, recognizing few apart from the usual suspects. Standing up from his chair, he stepped over to the casket.

With a cigarette drooping from his bottom lip, Vincent Torez picked a single rose from the ground beneath him and dropped it atop the already flower adorned pall. As the rose fell, a single puff of smoke escaped from his mouth, the Silk Cut cancer sticks doing their dirty work as he began to speak to the deceased man, a dead tongue swirling off blackened lungs. Muttering something no one but he and those familiar with the magic language, Vincent slowly stepped away. Letting the now glowing green rose fall.

Rain rolling off his brown trench coat, the sound of black leather Italian shoes crunching grass beneath him abundant as he stepped off into the sunset. His respects were paid and a sick twisted idea was rolling around in his head.


Rest in peace, you crazy bastard.

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#25  Edited By _Sojourn_

“I know what you mean… about wanting to spit in his face.”“But… to keep that hate inside of you, for someone who is no longer alive, will just eat you alive.”  “Go up there… and make peace with him, not for him, or because he deserves it. But for you, so you wont have to live with that hate inside of you .”  

Slight could see that Feral Nova was sincere, as she always was. But...there was another thing besides this genuine sincerity, there was something holding her, and Slight could see that. She put her hands on his shoulder, while speaking to him, like a mother. He appreciated the words, and said "I guess you right.."

With that being said, he left her there. Slight walked up to the casket. Taking in a deep breath, it smelled of flowers and emotions. Then something unexpected happened, tears began to well up from his eyes, and they flowed out like rivers rushing with waters from a fresh rain. They were uncontrollable, and he knew that he was making a spectacle, but he had to do it. "You know I hate you. I never liked you, and I will never like you...God...I hate you so much. But, I have to let this go, I have to let you go. Your probably laughing at me right now, thinking you still have some kind of hold on my life or something, and you do, but I....forgive you for everything you did. You don't deserve my forgiveness, or anyone elses. You don't deserve this flood of people, You don't deserve the admiration or the good graces anyone here might feel for you. I mean, there was nothing I wanted more than to come up here and destroy what was left of your remains, but I didn't, because I'm a hero. Which was something you tried to be. I never bought that act... I don't know how to end this catharsis, so I'll just say Rest in Peace, and may whatever's after this life be strong enough to put out your flame."

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#26  Edited By Final Arrow


Everyone had left and yet the ebony coffin sat in solitude hovering above the obsidian void it would enter into. No noise was made in the grave yard and some how Arrow found that a comfort as he walked towards the resting place of Darkchild. His pale fingers ran across the top of the coffin as he closed the distance, the tips causing the setting rain to run down the sides of the decorations that lined the sides of the crafted home of Darkchild, each one a description of his deeds in this world and then Arrow stopped his hand spread open above the top of someone he once allied himself with and then it closed into a marble fist and thundered down on the coffin, the grass around the tomb moved as if a small breeze had broke out in every direction , Arrow watched as every rain drop vanished from the top of the coffin and with a small smile the ebony home of  the child of dark began to lower into darkness. “We live a long life and I have to admit I am jealous of you. For the first time over all our years, you finally did the one thing I can not.” Sitting on the edge of the grave he rested his feet on the top of the coffin, flicking out the back of his long black jacket. “Immortal” he laughed looking up into the sky, “A word thrown round these days, not like it use to be. I honestly thought you where one of us, one of the last true immortals, the ones that can never die and watch as everyone falls around them. But your not.”  

With a sigh Arrow lowered his head and once again gazed upon the coffin. His ruby eyes glowing in the mist that had been left by the rain. His hand brushed aside a strand of his long white hair that had caught the evening wind and decided to break away from the rest of the rest for a breath moment. His brow ruffled “So many years we battled, I have battled. So many lives toyed with at our hands, fates changed and loves lost. GOD I ENVY YOU” not even the sound of lighting above him masked the pain in his voice. “To die, to finally be gone, to be nothing but a thought, a memory in the minds of others. Im so tired old friend, no one knows what it is like to be alive before the dawn of time itself to envy those you kill. Even in their last moments they capture me in their eyes, they have more understanding of this world then any god or would be monster. Every moment to them is lived, they may not know it, but they can see a beauty in my mother’s world that I can never see. For every moment may be their last and yet I have already seen it, what is so important to them… I always seem to miss what they see.” 

Swinging his legs up he lay on the wet ground looking up at the stars above him, “I wonder what you saw, when you finally knew you where going to die, you’re life has been long. Did you see the world as they saw it or where you just happy to finally die.” Rolling his eyes Arrow smiled “or did you say something monumentally stupid.” With another sigh Arrow rolled onto his side and looked over the grave “What legacy did you leave behind you, how far did you cast your shadow, even now with children I wonder what I will leave in my wake if I ever leave this world. But how can I, every time I try I can’t die… and   I have tried, I even try and kill myself every hundred years or so, but here I am watching another die before me again. Alexander, Khan and Caesar all claimed to be unable to die, much like you. Am I truly the only one of my kind… the first and last. Or does Rina carry my curse now as well.”  In almost an instant Arrow was standing at the end of the grave his clothes dry and clean and then he spat into the hole. “You know I could bring you back, make all of this meaningless, but what’s the point anymore, as if you could tell me if you where here anyway, you where useless, Even when fighting those bloody angels. “ a smile leaped onto his face “useless but always had something to say, I remember the first time we met.You where so naive so young” 

Taking in a deep breathe, she was not as silent as he was, her steps heavy in the ground as she marched towards the grave “Hi dad” she said standing next to him, a smile on her face as she placed her arm under his. Turning his head Arrow looked down at his daughter, her hair was pure white much like his, he wondered if it was her powers that caused this or if she did it herself to mimic him. She was wearing the purple and blue uniform Gambler had given her and the sword of souls sat on her back, Arrow had given it to her as a present for what she had achieved by almost destroying the world, but she had a long way to go before he would let her out on her own again. Arrow bent down and touched the lid of the coffin, a single tear rolled over his cheek and dropped to the floor, "my final good bye, you will never know how much I wish it was me laying there, sleep well old friend." Standing he turned to Rina "Say your farewells we have much to do." placing his hand on her shoulder "you know where to find me, when you are done". with that Arrow vanished leaving his daughter to pass her wishes on to her uncle.

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Moving   to take her place beside her father she nodded at his words and watched him move away, turning carefully she squatted in the wet sand and placed her Akura Katana on the ground, carefully mimicking the moves Gambler had taught her, the moves of a warrior showing respect to the dead.

Rain pounded her, the clouds above gathering like angry thunder gods, appropriate for his funeral she thought to herself, bowing carefully over the blade she sheathed it and raised. Slipping it back across her shoulders to cross with the sword of shadows, the pair strapped to her back made constant additions to her new life in the Initiative.

Her breasts heaved slightly as she allowed the emotion of his death to fully take hold of her body, anger welled with the tears as she looked at his new home, the fake grass around it waiting for her to say her goodbyes before he would sink down to become nothing more than worm food “You told me once I was worth more than I thought, that I was more than what people told me I was” running her black tinted nails across the slick lid she climbed aboard the coffin and laid flat her back against it her face turned to the moonlight. Running her hands along it almost sensually, saying nothing she continued to watch the clouds flood across the moon, dark angry clouds, a night suitable for his burial.

“I have lost my innocence uncle; you made me promise you once that I never would… I am sorry I failed you” tears mixed with the rain running across her face, her long white hair flooding out around her on the coffin her eye patch glistening. “you were the only one to ever love me just the way I was uncle, do you know that?, of course you do, you always knew everything” thinking back to her younger days, to the time he tried to train her outside the Celtic circle in Ireland, to their time together in the Vine Villains, she was a different person then, but so was he. Rolling over she lay on her side peering out at the dark figure waiting off near the trees  her arm hanging loose down the side of the coffin she rested her head against the cold wood “he does not trust me yet, but he will” she muttered looking at her father. Hugging the casket tight she climbed off carefully and stood to the side, holding out her hand she waved it gently, once again the purple light appeared as the casket began to lower into the deep pit it hovered over; the soil around it shifting to follow it began to cover the casket thudding as it hit the wood. Lifting her right hand she snapped her fingers and a black rose appeared, dropping it down she smiled as the last of the soil was in place, smoothed out and neat.

“Good bye uncle and thank you…. For always being you”

Walking away in the rain, the plot behind her began to grow black roses around his tombstone, roses with red buds and black petals.

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Lady Tlieso


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#28  Edited By Lady Tlieso

The sun fought to show it's face through the growing storm clouds, trees and statues of Angels cast odd shadows on the ground. A small pale woman clad in the deepest black stepped out of the darkness onto the well manicured grass silently making her way towards the stone of the Darkchild. Everyone's respects had been paid, well everyone but hers. Tlieso knew she was late in paying her respects but as much as she tried she could not bring herself to come when others were here. Their relationship had been a complex one, his loss still weighing heavily on her soul. Standing before his grave she bowed deeply, hands pressed to her chest.  Glancing furtively about she licked her dry lips and spoke. " Tears could not be equal, if I wept diamonds from the skies. My word silent, though I should howl. Muffled by death, my wings can't lift me high enough to find you. I feel you within. Unaware of my pain. Not knowing why I mourn. And why I breathe alone." Her vision blurred as tears trailed down her cheeks obscuring the words chiseled into the stone. Not that they hadn't already been burned into her memory. Taking one last look at his resting place she dashed the tears from her eyes and returned to the darkness.