
    Captain America: Red Menace #2

    Captain America: Red Menace » Captain America: Red Menace #2 - Book Two released by Marvel on January 2006.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Collecting Captain America #18-21

    It was Wizard's book of the year for 2005; now, fan-favorite artist Steve Epting rejoins Top Ten writer Ed Brubaker for an action-packed thriller in London, as Captain America travels across the Atlantic in search of his old partner - a story that will see him fighting side-by-side with some very old friends. But Cap and the Winter Soldier aren't the only ones taking the journey abroad. Crossbones and Sin are on a path of revenge that's leading them in the exact same direction! And what of General Lukin and his 'relationship' with the Red Skull?



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    Red Menace Vol. 2 0

    Issues #18-21 - Captain America heads to London to in hopes of finding his old partner Bucky who he believes is going after Aleksander Lukin. I got to say I loved this volume much more than I did the first one for many reasons. We get to see Captain America reunite with some old friends like Union Jack and Spitfire who are both great characters as they all take on Master Man. Sharon Carter eventually meets up with Rogers in London and we soon find out their not the only ones who are traveling ov...

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