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Venom Gets a New Costume in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY

Issue #23 of Guardians of the Galaxy gives Flash Thompson a whole new look.

In this week's issue of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, Flash Thompson got a whole new look as Venom. During the final part of the Planet of the Symbiotes story line, the Klyntar deemed Flash worthy of the of wearing the symbiote and made him a proper agent of the cosmos with this brand new look, which also comes with some brand new abilities.

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In addition, GUARDIANS artist Valerio Schiti posted this sketch on his Tumblr account.

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Schiti did an interview with and had a few things to say about the new design and how he came about coming up with how Flash would finally look.

The new generations of readers have a totally different idea of Venom; most of them don’t even know that once he was a bad guy. In this moment nobody perceives him like a monster, everybody knows that he’s a hero, a good guy with a super cool costume that can do amazing things so why don’t we concentrate on them?

They wanted a modern version of the character: he should be strong and sleek and powerful; a perfect version of the character, with a new set of super powers. Brian showed me a picture of the version of Venom [from “Disney Infinity”] and said: “Something like this. Cool. Sleek. Big.

Make sure to check out GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #23 to see how he gets the new look! What do you think about Venom's new look?