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Best New Comic Book Battles: 04/12/13

This week we feature fights from UNCANNY AVENGERS, HAWKEYE and BATMAN & RED ROBIN!

Comics of course don't need action to keep a firm grip on our focus, but let's be real, it's a super joyous time when these super powered characters decide to vent with their fists and not their words. That's the simple objective of this weekly feature -- highlight the best fights that went down in the latest issues. This week we've got a look at a God fighting an X-Men villain, Hawkeye's female friends putting a beatdown on the tracksuit mafia, and Batman desperately trying to subdue Frankenstein in an attempt to bring his son back to life. That said, these are just my top 3. Be sure to speak your mind and share scans of your favorite battles below.

Thor vs. Apocalypse

Apocalypse taking on Thor is an event which could lay waste to an entire city. Buildings would crumble, streets would be torn apart as the two dished out hugely powerful attacks. Apocalypse taking on a young, brash and drunk Thor, though? Well, that's a match that'll result is a clearly one-sided beatdown for the Asgardian. A single sucker punch almost ends the fight right away, propelling Thor into the distance and nearly breaking him. From there, it just continues to go downhill for the God of Thunder.

"Thy backhand is powerful, Devil!" - Thor

After being embarrassed a little more by En Sabah Nur, Thor finally lands a hit. Unfortunately for him, his axe (jarnbjorn) doesn't even dent the first mutant's armor. The villain responds with the most epic attack of them all: a headbutt. That's right, in the end it's a headbutt that makes the arrogant Asgardian head for the hills. His body may be bruised, but it's his ego that took the biggest hit of them all in this case.

In this moment, Thor learns the meaning of
In this moment, Thor learns the meaning of "epic fail."

Shortly after, Thor's "brother" informs him how to bless his axe and, in turn, rip through the celestial armor protecting Apocalypse. Thor makes short work of the foe's horsemen, but having his axe meet Apoc's armor is no easy feat. I don't know about you, but I think the following is the best and by far coolest feat I've seen from the classic villain in quite some time.

Worst game of tag ever.
Worst game of tag ever.

Thor eventually does connect and the result looks fantastic. If you'd like to know all the juicy details about what goes down next, buy the issue!

Mockingbird / Kate vs. Tracksuit Bros

Tracksuit bros. David Aja. Matt Hollingsworth. Matt Fraction. I really shouldn't need to say more to sell you on this one, but I shall anyway. This book truly continues to offer absurd levels of entertainment, and the battles here look great and are plenty of fun (as usual). First up, Mockingbird investigates a van parked outside of Clint's place. It just so happens that it is indeed a vehicle containing two silly members of the tracksuit mafia and Mockingbird makes sure they'll think twice before snooping in such a close proximity. Prepare for a boot to the face that's full of win.

This is why you keep your eyes on the road, kids.
This is why you keep your eyes on the road, kids.

Those guys that just had a bad day? Well, it turns out that's the second time they've had their butts handed to them. The issue reveals earlier on they bumped into Kate, and she also introduced them to a whole new world of pain. Two bros versus one mini-Avenger just ain't a fair fight and you can't help but feel for the bald dude.

Right in the bros, bro.
Right in the bros, bro.

This issue wasn't all hero on bro violence, though. Clint's sleazy ways finally catch up to him and we see Spider-Woman give him a harsh reality check complimented by not one but two smacks to the face. If anything, this is more of a verbal battle, and in that case, Jessica won via knockout. Her argument absolutely has him down for the count.

Yeah, you definitely had that coming, Clint.
Yeah, you definitely had that coming, Clint.

Hell hath no fury like a Spider-Woman scorned.

Batman vs. Frankenstein

Determined to resurrect his son, Batman hilariously kidnaps Frankenstein (seriously, imagine how degrading it must have felt to be in his shoes) and hopes to unlock the secret of resurrection. However, Batman never said please, and Frankenstein won't let himself be turned into an experiment (again). The agent of S.H.A.D.E. busts out of a specially designed holding unit and immediately goes to town on the Dark Knight.


The fight is good fun and all, but for me, the star of this book is Patrick Gleason. Sure, Peter J. Tomasi is doing a fantastic job with Batman and how he's handling Damian's death, but it's Gleason's exceptional and unique work that brings these cinematic moments to life (complimented by John Kalisz's colors, of course). My eyes continue to be incredibly pleased with this title.

A batarang to the shoulder is never a good time.
A batarang to the shoulder is never a good time.

The way the Caped Crusader concludes this fight is seriously creative and downright awesome. Bruce always gives in to his morals, so it's nice seeing him go toe-to-toe with a character he can really unleash against. Makes you really want to see Batman vs. Wolverine, doesn't it?

You know what they say... if you can't beat 'em, impale and electrocute 'em.
You know what they say... if you can't beat 'em, impale and electrocute 'em.

Next issue should be quite interesting -- it's Jason Todd's turn to appear and apparently, Batman won't be in a gentle mood with the second Robin. Go easy on him, Wayne. The poor dude has his own problems at the moment, too.

Honorable Mentions

What are your top 3 this week? Give the comments section a piece of your mind.
What are your top 3 this week? Give the comments section a piece of your mind.

Gregg Katzman is a freelance writer for Comic Vine and IGN Entertainment. This is the part where he shamelessly plugs his Google+ and Twitter page in hopes of getting a new follower or two.