razzatazz's Wonder Woman #290 - Panic Over Pennsylvania Avenue! review

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    Skin deep

    After reading this I am not sure what the moral of the story was, but I can say it was a thought provoking issue, especially for the silver age.  Wonder Woman is doing battle above Washington D.C. with the Silver Swan and Captain Wonder.  Captain Wonder is an ectoplasmic construct of Steve Trevor's psyche as controlled by Doctor Psycho whereas Silver Swan is a woman granted beauty and powers through a deal with Mars.  They decide to start working together due to a physical attraction while Wonder Woman eventually fights them off and stops them from destroying the White House.  At the end both characters think the enduring attraction will succeed even in their less attractive forms but it does not.  On the one hand I think this could be interpreted as saying that ugly people cannot love each other, which is shallow and pointless, but on a deeper level I think the writer was trying to get across that we all have false standards of beauty and that these get projected on others, creating something which was never real to begin with.  Conversely Steve and Diana end up in each others arm at the end showing that true love exists (except this is also flawed because Steve fell in love with her for her beauty originally).  In the backup story Huntress battles a villains known as the Crime Lord.  

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