the_angry_comic_book_critic's The Amazing Spider-Man #36 - "The Black Issue" review

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    Rememberence of Those Lost

    By The Angry Comic Book Critic
            I think this book shows the one day that we all wished we lived in the world of super heroes that way maybe that in are darkest hour that something more could have been salvage than what was. I myself lived through 9/11 and while I personally didn't lose anyone that tragic day my heart goes out to the people who did it was one of the largest disasters ever to so collectively shock Americans and the World since pearl harbor and in honor of those who survived "The Day Evil Won"  I've decided review arguably one of the greatest comics ever written in recent years.
             This was one of the few times that the heroes of the world ever were dealt such a hard blow and it wasn't by some Evil God or Nut case in long underwear it was by extremist monsters with no regard for human life or any life that simply wanted to show us fear in order to give momentum to there own cause. A cause that can never and will never succeed because as long as there are people willing to do the right thing and fight against injustice even in absolute darkness evil will fall at the light of the law.....This comic brought together nearly every major force in the Marvel universe to help the people even the Bad guys like Dr. Doom, Magneto and King Pin because even some the of the worst society has to offer feels something and has some good in them and a line they won't cross I guess with this we discovered what that line just might be. The artwork for this was perfection for the story Romita Jr. Captured every emotion people felt that day and this to me was his masterpiece and Straczynski put are collective thoughts as people into this story and gave the real heroes Firemen, Police Officers, Paramedics and Soldiers the thanks they deserve for defending us and pulling us through are toughest moments. 
               This book doesn't need my approval it got it the day it was written. It's been nine years and we as a nation still have a long road ahead of us to healing and those who lost loved one that day the road will last a life time.

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