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CV's Top 100 Superhero Runner Up List 2012

When I was creating Comic Vine's Top 100 Superhero List 2012, I was provided with 200 characters.

After several steps, I created the actual list and removed these 100 characters. For your benefit, here they are!

List items

  • I nominated Grifter because he's one of the few characters who was lucky enough to get his own series in the DC Relaunch. Given his background, he is also very original in terms of origin, powers and character which makes him essential to this list.

  • Being one of the strongest teleporters in Marvel Universe, this underrated character hasn't got the chance to show her true powers. Unknowingly, she is capable of standing her ground to stronger, well known characters. She deserves some credit and to be explored more.

  • Redemption. The mark of heroism. Max is trying to be a hero, something comics lack from time to time, someone doing the right thing. Plus what an awesome power: more you're awake the stronger you get but it comes with drawbacks

  • Living in a bleak and terrible future, Spider Jerusalem is the voice for the little guy. He'll go by any means to expose the evil and corruption that runs rampant in his country, and he serves as the ultimate crusader for the truth. Spider is crazy, unpredictable, genius, flawed, and deep down: a true hero.

  • Nick Fury is the leader of SHIELD That alone should grant him a high rank on this list. SHIELD has aided superheroes for over 50 years and the various miniseries Nick Fury has been in leading SHIELD proves that. He could be fighting gangsters, mutants, or monsters and Nick Fury will still not shy away from his duties. Even before SHIELD, Fury was leading his group of Nazi fighters The Howling Commandos. For over 40 comic years, Nick Fury has proven to be one of the greatest leaders in the Marvel Universe.

  • A large, metal coated, super strong, Russian. How could he get any better? His organic steel can protect him from almost anything and his super strength means he can deal it out as hard as he can take it. But he isn't all powers, he has a long back story of violence and trouble.

  • The sorcerer Supreme of the DC Universe. He is the servant of Nabu leader of Order.

  • Better known in Young Justice than the comics he has been featured in, Aqualad has played a significant role in Young Justice. In Season 1, he led the team and now in Season 2, he has been getting information from The Light to his teammates. Even though we won’t know which side Aqualad will be on after his recent encounter with M'gann, Aqualad has been a great hero.

  • Potentially the most dangerous, unstoppable hero around. Oxygen to tungsten, water to arsenic, just shuffling the periodic table (without getting into made up comic book elements) and he can and has taken down the JLA

  • One of the founding pillars of DC Comics and the industry's first superhero team, the Justice Society of America. And one of the most badass characters I know.

  • The first African American to have his own title. He is a great character that is fun to read and is a pinnacle part of DC's history.

  • Bart Allen is the grandson of the first Flash, Barry Allen. Bart started his superhero days as Impulse and then Kid Flash and then finally the Flash. Killed by the Rogues, Bart has since been resurrected and now serves as Kid Flash as he fights alongside the Teen Titans.

  • People often point to Batman's origin of being one of the best in comics, but if it is then Mister Miracle's origin is like the same thing but taken to a whole new level. Batman was made an orphan by chance (or maybe not by chance) but Mister Miracle was made an orphan (to a far worse orphanage than Wayne Manor by the way) to keep the peace between warring groups of gods. He rises above it and becomes a god in his own right, and one that can never be chained. One of the great technological minds of the DC universe, he is all too often forgotten as a complex character.

  • The Heart and Soul of the G.I. Joe team. When all hope seems lost the Joes have one man they can always rely on to get the job done.

  • My greatest discovery from the last year. Solid background story, interesting supporting characters in the storyline, a stellar Nemesis and a lot of potential : i can clearly picture a movie based on Judd Winick run of the ongoing.

  • Usagi Tsukino is a carefree comic book, video game, sweets loving girl. She soon discovers that she is Sailor Moon, Champion of Justice. Sailor Moon battles to save the earth and universe from evil forces.

  • The Fantastic Four's youngest member, Johnny Storm, has come an incredibly long way since his first appearance in 1961. The character has grown from an immature 16-year-old who was only obsessed about fighting, cars and women, to an adult that sacrificed himself to save his best friend from Annihilus. While it's true, Johnny has his immaturity leak out from time to time, his heroic actions on Marvel's First Family shouldn't go unnoticed.

  • Originally conceived as a mini-Wonder Woman, the character has moved well beyond that of a one-dimensional younger copy created to fill a role in the original Teen Titans. The reboot of Wonder Woman in the 1980s somewhat destroyed her story, but instead of being thrown off, she was reinvented and came to play important roles in many DC stories including 52 and Countdown.

  • Renowned archaeologist and 'obtainer of rare antiquities,' Indiana Jones divides his time between teaching university archeology courses and tracking ancient artifacts.

  • Michaelangelo is the pizza loving, heart of the team. The most talented of the turtles in ninjitsu but very lazy, if he put his mind to it he could be the most powerful of them all. And his being a comicbook geek and video game expert further enhance our enjoyment of him.

  • He's very much a wildcard character, this is a person that didn't need Xavier's school or the X-men, or mutant rights, he was rich enough to avoid it all. He stepped down from that high perch and fought for what's right. You see his fall throughout the X-Force series, and his rebirth. This is an exciting character to read about. Often in the background, but he's just forefront enough to be known. His struggle between his compassionate side and his rage and pseudo-nietzschean urge to cull the weak, he's a character such interesting diversity.

  • How to be an hero when you're a son and brother in a family of established role-models? How to be a man when your story is sealed under tragedy and uncertain future ? What's the meaning of legacy and what to do with it ? Thanks to James Robinson writing skills, Jack Knight offers to the readers the answers to all these questions. Giving to his character an extraordinary dimension over the years,Robinson made of him an hero who captured the essence of a lost generation.

  • Virgil "Static" Hawkins was exposed to a mutagenic gas that swept his city of Dakota, which gave him and other 'bang babies" superpowers. With the ability to control electromagnetism, Static joined the Teen Titans and continues to protect his city while serving on the team.

  • Best robot ever. For never saying anything it seems that R2 is one of the most knowledgeable characters in Star Wars. He has a multitude of abilities and even has a bit of a stubborn punky attitude. He saved Jedi and others on a few occasions and has been involved in so many events that the little robot deserves his spot on the list.

  • In the hands of James Robinson, Richard Swift is one of the best characters in the DC universe. His New 52 mini-series is very well written from the first to the last issue. The character is complex, bordeline and appeals to our fears of darkness and our hopes of redemption .

  • A person wrongly accused of being traitor and long time member of GOTG. He is also one of the GOTG "Big 3"

  • Innovative and captivating character outside of any construct I have seen up to now. Incredibly strong and so heart-breakingly empathetic. A female bad@ss who is as ruthless as she is kind? I simply adore her.

  • Donatello the tech guy in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, he wields a bo staff and is extremely deadly with it helping the turtles beat foes like Shredder with it. But without his genius the turtles would be lost, without that genius the team and its members would die.

  • He is, like Superman, a epitome of hope for the humankind, but without the righteous morals.He is not perfect. He has his flaws, weaknesses. As a human being, he is vulnerable are often tryin to do better, to be a better man from day to day, questioning himself constantly.

  • While many people enjoy the other turtles more, there are still a lot who find Leo to be their favorite, and for good reason. Since he was the leader of the Turtles, Leonardo was equipped with the best fighting skills and the most fleshed-out character development. Almost all key TMNT storylines revolved around Leonardo and he is the only turtle that can go toe to toe with the Shredder and win.

  • Tommy helped save the world from the Bloodlines virus twice. Once in the titular company crossover and once in the JLA/Hitman miniseries. Tommy has the distinction of having unnerved Batman (though this is because of the appearance of his eyes rather than anything he actually did, still, I think it's impressive). Tommy was also able to keep Lobo on his toes in combat and even claimed victory, forcing Lobo to give up his vendetta and leave earth.

  • I sorta have a sick fascination with her. She's such a positive, kind flighty girl that I can honestly say that when I read her, all I can do is think what's going to ruin her sunny disposition, what's going to ruin her life? Every time I read her I feel a little guilty but it makes her such a compelling read, in a world where everything as to be dark and gritty how long will it take for her to fall and become like everyone else.

  • While Abbey Chase probably deserves top billing in the Danger Girl series, it is Sydney that really exemplifies the team (although it is a small team.) Originally conceived of the question of what if the Bond Girls were in fact James Bond, Sydney is a capable heroine (she almost fought to a draw with Batman) while being a fairly well covered heroine (a skin tight catsuit being the standard for a modest costume for a female character I guess.) She is also consistently written as a funny character and the combination of fun and danger makes her quite endearing.

  • Leader of the Red Lantern Corps who suffered the loss of his wife and daughter in the brutal massacre of Sector 666. He currently is leading the Red Lantern Corps onto the path of good.

  • The genetic son of original Batman Bruce Wayne, Terry McGinnis was a reformed juvenile delinquent who stole the Batman suit to avenge the murder of his father. Under Wayne's guidance, Terry became The Tomorrow Knight of futuristic Neo-Gotham: Batman Beyond.

  • A superscretcher! Capable of building pocket universe creating devices, any day of the week! Even Monday (well, he hasn`t done that YET)! A master of logical thinking! Usually. The man isn`t without flaws, which isn`t a suprise to anyone who has read stories that have him. But it creates cool plotpoints and stories (not always, obviously). It makes him more realistic. Besides, like all great heroes, he always understands the error of his ways, if he has done something questionable, (or even catastrophic) he usually finds a way to make things right. And his good sides outweigh the bad ones. That`s the sign of a great hero.

  • As far as a female character rooted in the silver age goes, Mera is very much unlike the others. At the time DC's main characters were mostly those in the Justice League (Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman) and among them only Batman and Aquaman had female counterparts (or male in the case of Wonder Woman) that could hold their own and not only serve the damsel in distress role. Mera is one though that has been a hero throughout almost her entire existence, and though she has faced tragedy she has always persevered She is also one of the stars of the new Aquaman series.

  • He was one of the first african-american super heros (The other being Dell Comics western gunfighter, Lobo), Black Panther being african. Only Gabe Jones (WW2 Howling Commando) and Joe Robertson (Spider-Man's friend) preceded him neither are reallyheroes. He predates Luke Cage and John Stewart (Green Lantern) by almost 3 years. And Talking to birds is more handy then talking to fish :-)

  • One of the original crimefighters, The Spirit was a gamechanger. The Spirit inspired nearly every street level hero especially noir based ones like Batman. He was quite possibly the first superhero to have a black sidekick that was treated with respect and really was the first middle-class superhero. But even without that under his belt, The Spirit is an amazing character in an amazing series. The original series by Will Eisner was a genre-twisting thrill ride where something romantic, horrific, and comedic could all happen to Denny Colt (Spirit) in the span of one issue. If you don't vote for the originator and one of the greatest heroes, this list will suffer one of the most important heroes ever.

  • Ragman was always cool but became even cooler in the early 90's when his costume changed from just a suit of rags to the individual rags actually being the evil spirits of bad guys. He is a really unique hero. There may be a hundred speedsters but there is only one guy with a suit of souls.

  • Rocket Raccoon is the Weapons Expert and Strategist of the Guardians of the Galaxy. He is one of the GOTG "Big 3".

  • Scott is the titular hero from the graphic novel series "Scott Pilgrim". He must defeat Ramona Flowers' seven evil ex-boyfriends in order to date her. He plays bass guitar in the band Sex Bob-omb.

  • Simon Baz is the first arab american Green Lantern and is the replacement for Hal and Sinestro after their apparent deaths. He has been received by fans with open hearts and we all want to know more about him, a Lantern who promises to give us a Great time.

  • Originally created in 1936 as a comic strip. Still just as badass. I mean he doesn't use a huge arsenal like batman or a cave full of vehicles. He uses his determination, fighting skills, and handgun. But still the best thing about him is his bravery, i mean he wears purple tights.

  • Luke has been in various teams and is a great fighter. He has very tough skin that is almost impossible to pierce and he has used his strength for good for quite some time. Luke Cage will always be a favorite and is exceptional at everything he does.

  • Luke has been in various teams and is a great fighter. He has very tough skin that is almost impossible to pierce and he has used his strength for good for quite some time. Luke Cage will always be a favorite and is exceptional at everything he does.

  • The Personification of light itself. She is like a sister to Cloak and has complimentary set of powers to Cloak. The 2 fight drugs and Drug Related Crimes.

  • A member of the alien species the Brood, Broo has been defying the expectations of all around him since his birth. A mutant, born with the capacity for kindness and compassion, as well as an extremely high intellect, Broo was disowned by his kind, and disconnected from the Brood’s hive-mind. Gaining Admittance into the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, Broo can be seen trying to help his teachers and friends save the world, while simultaneously trying to navigate through high school in an alien environment.

  • The next biggest character to Hellboy in the B.P.R.D. world, Abe is a great and worthy character by himself.

  • Shot from 1968 into 1986 in a military experiment, Nathaniel Adam aka Captain Atom is one of the most misused, abused and second tiered characters around. Captain Atom’s been a pivotal part of the DCU for many years; he crossed into the Wildstorm universe after saving the world, which was changed to have Batman save the day in the Public Enemies animation film; it’s his death that levels the Midwest in Kingdom Come; him being the bad guy the company wide event Armageddon 2001; he’s the inspiration for Dr Manhattan, but he’s never quite made it.

  • Ralph Dibney is one of three stretchy superheroes, and usually doesn't get the respect that either Plastic Man or Mr. Fantastic achieve. What makes him unique is that he has uncanny detective skills that even Batman can't deny are impressive. As a member of the Justice League, Ralph, along with his wife Sue have always provided the team his absolute best on the missions they were present for. The character had gone some tragic experiences since the events of Identity Crisis, but what he had learned in that experience had only made the character stronger, and more passionate about crime fighting. Dibney is a class act, and deserves to be on this list.

  • if U.S.Agent was still around then AvX would never have happened. The Phoenix Force dare comes to Earth the United States of America and he'd just give it a knuckle supper and be on his way.

  • Ant-Man has always been an underrated superhero title ever since Hank Pym, the first to call himself Ant-Man, was created in the 1960's. Since then, the name has been been a founding Avenger, one of the top-most brilliant minds in the Marvel Universe, and has even lead the Fantastic Four in the place of Reed Richards, Mr. Fantastic himself. It wasn't until writer Robert Kirkman, most famous for his Walking Dead and Invincible series, to create a new character to don the Ant-Man tech. His name was Eric O'Grady, and he's the most unique man to have ever wear the title. For starters, rather than have a stiff stance on justice, the man used the tech to do things that us ordinary men would do with it, such as spying on women in the shower. The "Irredeemable Ant-Man" claimed a spot on the Thunderbolts, and when Captain America himself saw potential in him, he earned a spot on the Secret Avengers. While he may not be the most heroic man to call himself an Avenger by "cape standards" per se, he certainly is among the most interesting, and that's why he should earn a spot on a "best of" superhero list such as this one.

  • Though a villain for the majority of her historical appearances, in recent years she ha been reimagined as a heroine and in charge of her powers instead of them being in charge of her. Unlike a lot of other villains turned good she always wanted to be good as her Carol Ferris persona attest to. now in charge of her own powers for the first time, she has recast herself as a hero, and a formidable one as one of the most respected of the cosmic characters at DC.

  • What can I say about Ice other than she is so sweet? Oh, she love seals smothered in onions. Who doesn't? She is the polar opposite of her romantic interest Guy.

  • The only character which was able to make me feel like a child again. Action, emotions, adventures, innovation. Name it, you'll find it in its New 52 series. All of that, without being too serious. Great reading for a great character.Well done.

  • Valkyrie has started to come into her own recently, with roles in books such as Secret Avengers and starring in The Fearless. A strong stoic female character that has a magic horse and magic sword and occasionally substitutes at Avengers Academy to give lessons on the virtue and benefits on female on female love. Although there has been huge fuss about Wonder Woman and pants or lack of, Valkyrie found some and she never let anyone try to take them away.

  • For a time there was no more popular female superhero in all of publication than Mary Marvel. Those days are long since past (they were in the 1950s) and DC Comic has at times struggled to find an outlet for the heroes it acquired from Fawcett. Nonetheless she has done much over the years and been featured in some important stories, most notably and most recently Countdown.

  • Artemis Crock has been awesome in Young Justice and has proven herself to be a great member of the team time and time again. Her skill with the bow makes her a valuable member of the team.

  • Cliff Secord, a 1940’s pilot and all around nice guy, can always be seen sticking up for justice. This was further accentuated when he found a mysterious package in his plane that contained a backpack mounted jet-pack. Strapping on the jet-pack, with his Mauser C96 always close at hand, Cliff Secord becomes The Rocketeer; scouring the land for injustice.

  • Madame Masque is a lady who kicks ass and always looks a million bucks doing so. And she has a solid gold mask which is probably worth another million bucks. She also has the classiest sequence of joining the Avengers that any character has ever had.

  • (kid loki)

  • Monarch of the Planet X and protector of his people. He also is a member of the GOTG "Big 3".

  • Odin is the quintessential Skyfather. Many others have claims to such an elevated position, such as Zeus, but really, none are as recognizable. His feats speak for himself, destroying galaxies, creating stars for example. He routinely fights foes which normal heroes can barely fathom, and is not afraid to go up against foes who are even superior to him (Galactus, Celestials e.t.c). He is a true warrior and will defend his home at any cost. He has also been influential in training Thor to become the hero which many parade as their favorite. And really are you going to ignore someone who one-shotted the silver surfer and got the better of Thanos ?

  • She is the only women in Marvel who might be able to solo the JL, and trust me, that is hard to do. Photon may not be widely known or be in a lot of comics, but the ones she are in, are filled with incredible feats showing off her power. She even lead the Avengers at one point, something that very few Marvel heroes can or would get the chance to do. Photon is indeed an amazing heroin.

  • I've always liked Steve, but seeing him play a role other than Wonder Woman's boy toy was nice. I think he is a great supporting character

  • The Phantom Stranger is an essential character to the New 52, directly causing several new heroes to re-surface, such as Raven (my favorite!), and the Spectre. He is also involved in actions involving much of the DC Universe from what I've been reading from DC's website; his books also, IMO, have excellent writing, and are very mysterious and intriguing.

  • Allen the alien was genetically engineered to protect the the races under the Coalition of Planets from the Viltrumite threat. Through his integral participation in the Viltrumite War, Allen has ascended from mere Champion Evaluation Officer to leader of the Coalition of Planets, arguably the most powerful position in the universe. Although Allen is an alien, he's very much human in that he's fallible, has a great sense of humor, and always attempts to make the right decisions. Such qualities also make for a very endearing and exemplary hero that deserves to be on this list.

  • A very underrated and underused character, he has only appeared in around 100 issues, he is definitely one of the top minds of the DCU. Come on, when he was only six, he already read and assimilated the works of Bohr, Einstein, Planck and Feyman. He learned the theory of time-and space continuum while other kids were struggling with Sesame Street.

  • Britt Reid Jr. was first introduced under the pen of Kevin Smith. He started as a spoiled heir to the Reid fortune, but after the loss of his father to the hands of the Black Hornet, he plunged into a whole new level of maturity. Under the training of the Katos, he's become a master martial artist and resourceful user of the Hornet technology. He's a great new pulp hero, and a worthy successor to the Green Hornet mantle.

  • Jessica Jones really shined this year because she actually became an official Avenger. Jessica was never the hero type she just so happened to have super powers. So, it is cool to actually see her as a superhero in the New Avengers series.

  • Formerly the wife of the gamma irritated fugitive, Bruce Banner AKA the Hulk, Betty Ross is one of the few supporting female characters in comics to become a powerhouse leading lady. From an iconic, often messed up, version of a supportive wife, to a powerful personality and physically powerful character. I personally like to think, she's part of a growing undertow in comics where powerful women are starting to be less alien in mentality while still retaining their fantastic powers.

  • Long established in pulp science fiction, the characters of Edgar Rice Burroughs Martian Chronicles have traditionally had a hard time finding any success in the comic medium. That has changed recently though as Dynamite has transformed the characters into more modernized version of the original selves while still not losing the essence of Burroughs' concept. The modern Dejah represent the best in a modern female character, capable in battle but more capable with her mind.

  • She said it best herself "baddest butt-kicker bar none". Scarlett is just an awesome lady and more importantly an awesome redheaded lady. Scarlett rocks.

  • Despite never even trying to be heroic, And trying to live the normal life, he is constantly thrust into extra-normal situations that he must help resolve. I also liked Howard for the absurdity of his life, but also for the love story with Beaverly.

  • The Next autobot to become Prime after Optimus Prime, the most popular and longest standing leader of the Autobots dies at the hands of Megatron. At first being a mystery, Hot Rod was the next Chosen One. Young, brash, and slightly arrogant, Hot Rod mantained a pure and wise soul. Traversing hardships like skepticism, and the crumbling Universe in fear of Unicron, the destroyer, He became Rodimus Prime. In both Marvel's continuity, and IDW's, Rodimus Prime's significance to the Transformers universe is longstanding.

  • The main character of the Wonderland based stories from Grimm Fairy Tales, Calie has more character depth in such a short time than most heroes get in years. Her journey is not just the one of a regular girl and woman, rather as she deals with the real threat of Wonderland, she also has to deal with her own demons, and figure out what aspects of her madness come from the nightmare world and which ones come from her own damaged psyche. The reader reading along with her goes on along on her journey and gets lost in it a well.

  • Talk about taking a lame looking old character and revamping him into a super-cool superhero. The Ray's first six issue mini-series is one of my favorite stories ever. The story goes about him actually learning how to use his powers and all the embarrassing mistakes he makes. He really is believable with his self doubt and lack of confidence. Who can't relate to that at least a little bit.

  • Cassie is the main character in Morning Glories. She is a great leader who has a lot of mystery behind her character, which pretty much every character has in Morning Glories. We haven't seen her in the last couple of issues, but once we do I think we will dig even deeper in the Morning Glories mystery.

  • An enigmatic alien with a language all his own, Doop has been keeping a low profile for quite a few years. First stepping on the scene as the cameraman for the 2 conformation of X-Force, later renamed X-Statix, Doop had been out of action since the untimely demise of his team. Recently recruited to the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning by none other than the school’s headmaster, Wolverine, Doop can be seen protecting the school form all sorts of inter-galactic, as well as home grown mayhem constantly threatening the school and its occupants.

  • The Goon protects the people of Lonely Street from zombies, monsters, and whatever else may threaten them.

  • Cassie represents a coming together of different genres, but doing so with a lot more girl power than others. Whereas vampires and zombies are favorite targets of the likes of Buffy, Cassie takes on her path of vengeance with a lot more attitude than others do. She is not skilled at what she does other than by instinct, but she manages to survive and to do so in style.

  • it's incredibly arrogant but the reason I love Venus and am nominating her is because she's pretty much just the comic book version of me. Sexy sexy redhead who used to be a blonde Goddess who seduces men with her amazing beauty. Okay, that part is also arrogant. This is wholly arrogance. But we rock.

  • An obscure hero from the 40`s, who is just, strict, patriotic towards America (for some reason he is, even if he comes from another planet), nigh-omnipotent (due to various rays, that cause all kind of weird things) and (for all those who think that heroes should kill villains) ultraviolent at times. In 1940`s, not 2000`s style. The dude could totally beat down the JLA (almost any incarnation), if he wanted to. Not necessarily every time, though. No matter what kind of a fantastic danger threats Earth (and sometimes also other planets, of course) he`s there to save the day. As stift as a Fletcher Hanks character can be.

  • Zot is an excellent choice because he is almost an analogue to Superman, built for Teenagers specifically to enjoy. He's kind, silly, nice, strong, smart, and he lives in a utopia Earth where robotic butlers serve people; sounds fun, right? Then his uncle finds a way to travel to another dimension, ours, and he falls in love with a girl named Jenny. Adventures ensue, and a creative twist on both manga and comic books (which this book was intended to mix together) occurs, resulting in superheroes, gangsters, robot overlords, aliens, and computerized assassins all getting mixed up in mayhem and comic relief, while Jenny and her friends deal with the stresses of high-school, including horrible bullying towards the homosexuals in the school (The focus of one of my favorite issues of the series). What's not to love?

  • Spring Heeled Jack, the first superhero in publication history. Instilled fear in the hearts of wicked men in the 1800s, fighting against greed, and corruption. You better be good or Spring Heeled Jack will get you.

  • Although the main series of Grimm Fairy Tales has long since abandoned the original format which made it so interesting, some of the original character still persist in other series. The first character ever introduced in the series was Britney Waters, a character that like most in the GFT stories had to initially deal with some relevant social issues (in this case date rape.) Afterward she is some reinvented as a character that thinks she might be a little mentally disturbed but he discovers in reality that she is a falseblood. She thus changes from victim to hero (superhero) and begins to support the sides of good.

  • Roland is the protagonist in Stephen Kings self described magnum opus, The Dark Tower. The last of the Gunslingers Roland will stop at nothing to reach the Tower and defeat the Man in Black.

  • An amateur superhero coming from a small town in Mexico, Bunker is a member of the Teen Titans. He is capable of projecting Psionic bricks to form walls and other structures in various forms, He can also use his psionic bricks as a form of armour.

  • David Kim is one of the most unique characters to hit the pages of comics. David is a Xombi, immortal and unable to age. With a haunting past, and being a frequent target of the strangest forces of evil, a book with David is always an interesting read. Not only does he have an incredibly likable personality and a cool set of powers, but he can also teach us a thing or two about life: that every second we live is a gift, and we should revel in the mundane and the normal.

  • From his looks to his jokes, he is a regular guy people can rely on. Still, with a lot charisma and sympathy-appeal, Kakashi revamped completely the personification of Ninjas in mangas. He was perhaps the main reason why Naruto was so popular at the very beginning : Kakashi was able to deal with difficult issues while looking handsome and being funny. Saving the day was his job, but doing it with high-fashion movements and words of wisdom made the difference between him and the others.He is the man many of us want to be: the clever and kind leader of the pack.

  • The Goon's right hand man. Those who mess with the folks from Lonely St. might just get a "knife to the eye".

  • I like Squirrel Girl not because of her crazy feats (though I don't consider them crazy because for me, she is really capable of beating powerful opponents.) but because she's a unique and interesting character to me. I also like the idea of her being able to communicate with squirrels. And to add, my favorite color is green and her real name is Doreen Green. : ) She is a skilled h2h fighter that she beat Deadpool and Wolverine. She might not be always used by Marvel Comics, but for me, she's one of the coolest characters they have created.

  • A relative newcomer into the comics scene, Marko has been running from the armies of 2 civilizations, in the middle of an inter galactic war. Having to break his vows of pacifism, all to protect his wife Alana, and their daughter Hazel, Marko can be seen both showcasing his swordsmanship as well as his magical abilities, all for the truest cause in the galaxy; love.

  • Great new LGBT character. Integral to the Birds of Prey. The new 52 BOP series would not be what it is without her character.

  • Bob Benton was one of the most popular characters of the 40's. He's continued to be used by various comic publishers with Dynamite most recently giving him his own series and a starring role in Project Superpowers. The first with the skull & crossbones he no doubt helped inspire The Punisher.

  • He is a regular guy thrust into unnatural circumstances, forced into a heroic role with neither teacher, nor training, nor powers, nor gadgets. He has survived encounters with Freddy and Jason and the Marvel Zombies (a note worthy accomplishment). Also, he's funny.

  • Doc Samson for a long time was the only stable thing in the Bruce's life. A friend, a mentor even, he truly wanted what was best for the Hulk and Banner. He is in many ways the perfect combination of Brawn and Brains- Strong enough to take on the hulk, but smart enough to use his inferior powers to fight him for hours on end. He knew what his comrade needed, whether it be a shoulder to cry on, a person to talk to, or a strong uppercut to the face. He is often forgotten, but his name represents his true meaning as great strongman as the marvel universe.

  • The first time I saw a picture of Darkhawk in a series card, I liked him right away and never forgot his real name: Chris Powell. He has a cool suit with cool abilities. His story may not be that unique about obtaining the suit but there's something in him that I really like. His costume is definitely one of the reasons why I like him a lot. and I'm thankful he has become more powerful.

  • Morph is a very underrated hero with a pretty interesting power set, super malleability and the inability to be track via send, he's like the perfect shapeshifter. But aside from that he's an incredibly fun character who is extremely loyal to his friends and the superhero community could use some more guys like him.