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Marvel Team Amalgam Universe

A universe in the Marvel multiverse where every superhuman is an amalgam of a Marvel 616 team. Together, they would be The Marvels. Gonna keep adding characters when I am bored.

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  • Steve Rogers was the Allied Forces' only super solider, known as The Avenger. He fought alongside Thor against the Nazis. Before sacrificing himself for the greater good, Thor gifted his hammer to Steve. After the war, Steve put his Avengers identity and hammer away to be a spy during the Cold War. Instead, he relied on his spider-bite gauntlets, pym particle size changing suit, and trick arrow bow. When aliens invade, Steve returns to The Avenger identity combining the hammer, new Stark tech upgrades (rocket boots and repulsor gauntlet with an ionic shield), and his Cold War weapons

  • Dani Cage is the daughter of police detective Jessica Jones and crime-lord Luke Cage. They were gunned down by corrupt officers working for Kingpin, Luke's rival. Dani would be taken in by Stick with a number of other orphans to be trained in martial arts. After winning a tournament among the orphans, Stick's Chaste performs a ritual that imbued her with the ability of the Iron Fist, able to focus her chi to make her strikes stronger. She would join The Marvels as The Defender.

  • Peter Drax, nicknamed Rocket, was a member of a raccoon looking race of humanoids and a soldier by trade. His entire platoon was wiped out by Thanos' Black Order. Rocket's nearly lifeless body was saved by The Ravagers, a group of space pirates. They used cybernetics to heal Rocket, replacing his left arm and eye, and arming him with groot guns, a pair of shape-shifting, solar-powered guns, made of plant matter. He would join The Marvels as The Guardian.

  • Dr. Jonathan Blaze was the son of a motorcycle club president who sold his soul to Mephisto for the ability to send his son to medical school. While celebrating his graduation, Blaze watched his father attacked by demons and dragged to hell. Angry, he went looking for supernatural solution, eventually finding Kamar-Taj, where he studied sorcery. He used the Darkhold to empower himself so he could hunt demons and find Mephisto. He raised a demon and bonded it to himself, leaving a pentagram on his chest and allowing him to control hellfire and grant him the penance stare. He also forged a silver katana with ever monster weakness, dubbing it the Darkhold Redeemer. He joins the Marvels as The Midnight Son.

  • A Kree member of the Nova Corps crash lands on Earth. While trying to escape Earth, he takes the human identity Sam Morales and falls in love with Muslim American, Kamala Kahn. They have a child named Miles. Sam goes missing after a Terrigen Storm Cloud circumvents the Earth. Miles' half Kree genetics made him susceptible to Inhuman transformation. He received a danger sense and an ability to stretch. While looking through his father's things, he finds his old Nova helmet. Putting it on granted him access to a fraction of the nova force and the helmet's onboard A.I. assistant, V.I.V. (Virtual Instructional Valet). He joined The Marvels as The Champion.

  • After Calvin Rankin discovered he had the ability to mimic mutant powers, he was invited to join the X-Men by Pr. Xavier. Through practice, he learned to manage the powers of five mutants at once. When the Terrigen Storm Cloud circumvented the globe, it wiped out anyone with an X-Gene, except Calvin. He learned he never truly had an X-Gene, but he still had access to the last five mutant abilities he mimicked, those of Xavier's first five recruits. He dedicated himself to honoring Xavier's vision of a united future by changing his code name from Mimic to X-Man before joining The Marvels.

  • Jackie Sabuki was a Japanese-American with a fatal disease. Her father was a military scientist who built a special synthezoid body with which he would download her brain into. He frankensteined it together from multiple droid prototypes, particularly a submariner model, which was designed to withstand deep ocean pressures and perceive in low light environments, and a human torch model, which was designed for flight and plasma bursts. When the military found out, they forced her to go on missions for them. Because of her ability to travel by sky and sea, she was dubbed The Invader.

  • Gert Yorkes was a lonely nerdy teen who loved sci-fi and fantasy. Her A-type former athlete parents never understood her and actively put her down. She decided to run away from home after locating a secret vault belonging to a now defunct crime organization known as The Pride. In it included a number of MacGuffins including a magic scepter, a time machine, a strength suit, an obedient dinosaur, and a 3-D printer that could make any tech she imagined. She used these objects to live out the adventures she always read about. When she joined The Marvels, she went by The Runaway