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A2 part 16

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  • Midnight Angel 1

    Thomas McNider was the world's first blind superhero. He protected Los Costa with his infra-red goggles and Zauriel, his pet falcon.

  • Midnight Angel 2

    Bette Chung is not related to the first Midnight Angel, except for her blindness. She was trained by the League of the Hand and was Green Devil's sidekick for a time.

  • Wild Jack 1

    Joseph Grant III was Britain's first line of defense against Hitler and his hordes. This boxer was the son of the first WildJack, Hippolyta, who served in WWI.

  • Wild Jack 2

    Johar Vizad is the new Wild Jack. She is Pakistani and comes from the suburbs of London.

  • Young Squadron

    Not too long ago, we were introduced to James Trevor's team, the Young Squadron. They were put on active duty when the Justice Invaders were in space fighting in the Mongrull/Kreenagar/Xann war!

  • The Human Torpedo

    A young Atlantean, former sidekick of Green Mariner.

  • Miss Munroe, the Iron American

    She is a symbol of America's working force. "We Can Do It!"

  • Phantom Fox

    A native mystery woman from Canada, she got blackmailed by the American government to join the team.

  • Nitro Gold

    A young Japanese/American with explosive powers, she was let free of her prison camp to help the Allies!

    Sadly, all four of these heroes died at the hands of Red Brain...

  • More Green Totem members!

    Katma Octavius of Korudor

    She is the daughter of Sinestro Octavius and was the lover of Green Panther for a time. She was killed by Star Cat, then replaced by her daughter, Juralik.

    Totem: Korudoran Octopus

  • Celestio of the Source Wall Galaxy

    A member of a dying race of gods that was saved by the Shamans! (Well, his head at least.) He has become a refuge for wounded Green Totems and more!

    Totem: all life in the universe.

  • Princess Angelande of Daxia

    She is from the Asgardian colony of Daxia. Sophisticated but fierce. She is Thunderman's aunt!

    Totem: Space serpents

  • Jade Flame of Xann

    The torchbearer of the GTC. She was once a herald of Galactoom. Although her mother is from Xann, she is the daughter of Green Mariner and the sister of Shadowave!

    Totem: the Eternal Flame of Xann.

  • R'Malki

  • R'tlopf'a of the C'hlerr'r deeps

    Part of a capitalist plant race. Since they are the only living beings in their star system, their totems have been... themselves.

  • Zarnnu of Kronu 6

    A stone-like being that's part of one of the oldest races in the known universe. He is about 10 feet tall!

    Totem: Kronian mice

  • A mixed bag of villains!

    P.S.Y.C.H. units

    They were created by Lexxon and the American government to protect ordinary people from superhuman threats. They took samples from an old insect race living beneath the Earth and merged them with cybernetics. So, of course they would rebel!

  • Obsidian Manhunter

    Was an African gangster that was possessed by Obsidian, a renegade Martian from Saturn. He was imbued by the Power Cosmic like his archenemy, the Silver Manhunter!

  • The Kite Brothers

    Hell yeah! A pair of international assassins that are more threatening than they appear. They tangled with a lot of heroes, including Iron Bat and Green Devil.

  • The Discarded

    When Peter Jordan was freed of Arachnax's power, his reputation was in shambles and he was no longer a part of the GTC. Still, he wanted to be a hero. And he was helped in that by his various friends! Each time he was found out, a new persona was created and the other one discarded.

  • Blood Dusk

    To protect Peter, the Silver Manhunter bonded with him when he got separated from his ring!

  • The Buzz

    This suit was created by Ray Pym. It was equipped with darts, lasers, wings and an annoying buzzing sound.

  • Romulus

    Doctor Shay Connors (The Shark) created a super-serum for Peter that boosted his speed and agility. In this guise, he helped the Slash for a while.

  • Acumen

    The last suit, created by Mr. Plastic. The suit looks rather feminine because Peter got recognized too much... and he lost a bet to the Negative Torch!

    After Peter was done with the suits, other people picked them up and used them... without much success...

  • The Dada Men

    They are the world's most bizarre team with very odd powers. (You guys should see blazing_marshmallow's art for these. It's pretty neat.)

  • Mr. Dada

    Mysterious leader of the team. Revealed to be Reed O'Brian from another dimension.

  • Ruby Quiz

    A woman with brain cancer, she removed the source of her problems!

  • Chonda, the Living Nightmare

    The name says it all.

  • Crazy Bones

    The shrunken bones of this guy obey his every command.

  • A human head with a fog body in the form of an ape (comics).

  • The Imperial Legion

    Empress Lilland'r's personal guards and agents. Their ultimate mission is to secure the Tam'iar Empire as a whole. They will merge with the X-Titans at the end of the 21st century to become the Legion X 2099!

  • Valiant

    He is the leader and he is from Daxia. The only one to serve in both the Legion X and Imperial Legion.

  • Lady Star of God-Earth

    A refugee from the Infinite Crisis, she now calls the Imperial Legion her family.

  • Smasha of Drya

    Second in Command

  • Garryn Fang

  • Zena Electron

  • Colossus

  • Amon Pulse

  • Astra Mallor

  • Gravtron

    Gamora Dox and Comet Raccoon are old members of this team as well!

  • Let's work on some more GTC!

    LOM the Green Knight of Korudor

    Before his death, he was one of Korudor's best soldiers. As is the custom with this planet's finest, LOM's artificial consciousness was placed in a robot body. He now roams space! He has adapted the ring into his blaster.

    Totem: uni-cellular life

  • Recordrix of Cori (originally)

    The fact that his planet was destroyed doesn't stop this dedicated Green Totem!

    Totem: Cori mastodon

  • Chryllites

  • Morrochryl of Sarclites

    He is the Caretaker of the dead Totem Members. The shrine to their memories can be found on Celestio's surface.

    Totem: Sarc hammer worm

  • Rebels of the Galaxy

    A gang of misfits from many worlds, they wander the Milky Way in search for adventure. They are wanted by the Kreenagarian Empire!

  • Gamora Dox

    Originally from Cori, she became Thanatos' adopted daughter. She escaped and became a rigid and authoritarian peace officer. At that time, she was part of the Imperial Legion and had a complicated relationship with Wolf Rider. Things have really changed for her now!

  • Adam Star

    Adam Quill was a boy from Earth who traveled to Xann via the Nova Beam. He grew up there and fell in love with a Xannian princess (later). The princess's father asked for Adam to prove his worth. This was the beginning of his space adventures. Since then, he has joined up with space pirates and became a bounty hunter. When he met Gamora Dox, his life became even more complicated!

  • Nebula-Ro is also Thanatos' adopted daughter. She has been many things: a slave, a Kreenagarian soldier and diplomat, and a bounty hunter. She even faced the Justice Avengers at one point. Now she wants revenge on her sister and the Rebels!

  • Devil Drax

    When his family was killed by Thanatos, he fused himself with a suit made of science and magic!

  • Grook

    We saw him already! The Shamans asked him to keep an eye on the team, Comet in particular.

  • Comet Raccoon

    He is a mutant raccoon from Earth. He had numerous adventures in the 50's before heading into space. He is Grook's best buddy.

  • Lady Bug

    Since Mantis and Willow are the same character in two different universe, so is Lady Bug. She is possibly the most unchanged of all the amalgam characters. Thanks, Steve Englehart!