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My Top Marvel Live Action Films List

This is a list of my favourite Marvel Live Action Films.

I will be updating my film lists by watching as many as I can and giving a summary of my thoughts. I will also be reviewing some.

List items

  • 10/10 Reviewed (I will be re-reviewing with a more in depth analysis)

    Just superb

  • 9/10

  • 9/10 Reviewed

  • 9/10 Reviewed (I will be re-reviewing with a more in depth analysis)

    Was pleasantly surprised with this

  • 9/10 Reviewed

  • 9/10

  • 9/10 Reviewed

    A brilliant origin to Iron Man, as well as a tremendous start to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with this film was responsible for so much, and if this wasn't good, we probably would never have had the Marvel Cinematic Universe at all. This was also a very interesting, and dynamic film, with great CGI, and a brilliant cast lead by Robert Downey Jr. who was the perfect choice to play Iron Man. It also had some amazing action, as well as a decent villain.

  • 9/10 Reviewed

    This is so far the best X-Men film to be made, taking a wonderful story concept, and making it something unique. The film also had a great story development, with everything flowing smoothly, at a steady pace. The introduction of Nightcrawler to the big screen was also a nice addition, and although I'd have preferred a little more from him, it was nice to have him in the film. The film also had brilliant action scenes, and the X-Men, and Magneto working together also made things more interesting.

  • 8/10 Reviewed

    This was a great adaptation of a brilliant comic, and although I wasn't overly happy with some of the changes, it was fairly close to the source material. It also had great characters, and brilliant humour, being very witty, whilst also being very exciting. It also had some amazing, bloody action, that was explosive, as well as entertaining. The film also had an amazing cast, being brilliantly directed by Matthew Vaughn, who managed to make all of the films elements work together in harmony.

  • 8/10

    Showing that a good film can come out of a dreadful one

  • 8/10 Reviewed

    A great start to the X-Men franchise, this film would help change comic book films into what they are today. It did a great job of introducing the X-Men to a wider audience, making them modern, and appealing to movie fans. It also kept strongly to the morals that were shown throughout the comics, with the X-Men wanting a world where human, and mutant lives peacefully, whereas Magneto's Brotherhood wants a work where the mutants rule. It also had great characters, and great action.

  • 8/10 Reviewed

    This was a vast improvement on X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and although it was let down with it's slow pace, it was overall a brilliant film. It also had some of the best action to feature in an X-Men film, as well as some emotion scenes, and a very interesting concept (Wolverine loosing his healing factor). The villain Viper was however a disappointment, and there were a lot of questions that I asked about certain points, but overall this was a very enjoyable film.

  • 8/10 Reviewed

    After two slightly disappointing X-Men films we needed a good one, and that's what we got with this. The film may not have had the same level of action as the other X-Men films, but it had tons of depth in it's character's, with a great cast. I also enjoyed seeing the origins of both Magneto, and Professor X, as well as the birth of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, and overall this film amazed me, also having a good villain, and a great musical score.

  • 8/10 Reviewed

    Not as good as the first Iron Man film, but slightly better than the second. It was a very entertaining, and exciting film, with some great action, and drama. The comic fan in me was however very upset with certain points of the film, but I still found it a very enjoyable film, and with it centring more on Iron Man again it makes it more stand alone, and original. I also loved that at times it was also funny, and overall I enjoyed the good bits much more than I hated the bad ones.

  • 8/10 Reviewed

    A great sequel to Iron Man, and although not as good as it, or the following Iron Man film, it was still a brilliant film. It was very exciting, and interesting, with some great character development. I did however feel that Whiplash could have been better, but at the same time he could have been worse. I also liked how it hinted at the then future Marvel Cinematic Universe, and although this may have hindered the overall quality, it was necessary, and the film as a whole was amazing.

  • 8/10


  • 8/10

  • 8/10 Reviewed

    This was a brilliant sequel, as although not quite as good as the first Kick-Ass film, it still managed to be amazing at time. This film was a little slower than the first, which was disappointing, but it made up to a certain extent with it's brilliant character development. It also introduced some new characters that were perfectly portrayed, and although it wasn't a perfect adaptation of the second comic book series, it wasn't a terrible one. It also had outstanding humour, and action, being very entertaining.

  • 8/10

    First decent Marvel film

  • 7/10

  • 7/10

  • 7/10

    Not a bad effort

  • 7/10

    Too many villains not enough development time

  • 7/10

  • 7/10

  • 6/10 Review

    This film could have been so much better than it was, but unfortunately it wasn't. The way they took both Wolverine's origin story, as well as Weapon X from comic to film was excellent, and in general the cast was good too. The story did however lack a bit in structure, not quite knowing what it wanted to do next. It did however also have brilliant action, and emotion. The worst thing about the film however was how it ruined Deadpool, which I cannot forgive.

  • 6/10

    Was slightly better than the first

  • 6/10

    Why cast Nicolas Cage as Johnny Blaze like Nick Cage but too old and doesn't suit the part

  • 5/10

    Why's Gallactus a cloud?

  • 4/10 Reviewed

    After the first two films being amazing I was expecting a lot from this, especially considering it was adapting from one of the great X-Men stories, Dark Phoenix Saga. It was however disappointing compared to the other two, as although it wasn't atrocious, it was far from being brilliant. It was very slow at times, taking ages to develop both sides of the story, overall aiming to achieve too much in the 104 minutes time frame. It did however have some brilliant action scenes, but they weren't good enough to save the film.

  • 4/10

    Why call Dracula Drake?

  • 4/10

    This film made me think Hulk was a lost cause for Cinema Films. Thankfully Incredible Hulk and the Avengers came along to changed my mind

  • 3/10

  • 1/10

    Why even bother