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The A2 Universe

At first there was the 1st World.

The Universe was young. All living beings were connected to the unique creative force at the beginning of things. All could feed off the positive energies of this fast forwarding and expanding Universe. The living was virtually immortal, free of violence, hunger and stupidity. It is a period of ultimate magic, bathing the universe in light that would last billions of years.

But then came the 2nd World.

Something happened to the Universe. All the dark energies that were slowly compressed and ignored for eons started to fight back. Demon worlds and dimensions were created. Black magic reigned supreme. Then darkness declared war on light. Entire systems were destroyed and the living became mortals, playthings in the hands of the dark energies. The war ended in a stalemate.

Bringing forward the 3rd World.

Good got separated from evil, gods from mortals, magic from physics. Incredible God worlds were created, protecting the mortal realms from the forces of evil and Chaos. For the first time the separation between the spiritual world and the material world was almost always the rule. Gods reigned supreme over the Universe in a magical mist, wherein the mortals were called to live dull lives devoted to reason. But even in the brutality of their daily lives, they were still being able the glaze on the face of the Giants in the event horizon. And it was thus for millions of years. But the days of the God Worlds and their supremacy over power were numbered.

And so came the 4th World.

Has the old God Worlds grew weaker, the material world benefited from it. For the first time in Eons, the mortals could take some of the power back from the Gods. With each God World that ended, more and more mortal came to be gifted with incredible powers and longevity. Magic was entering the rational world once again. Mutant kind was born. No longer kept in check by the immortals, the dark forces started spreading across the Universe, affecting the living. This war still wages on.

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