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Deadcool's Realistic Art Style

Damn it was difficult to pick them, but here are my favourite artists with a realistic art style:

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  • This guy is awesome, his style is so shining his Iron Man is perfect, he also designed the suits from the movies, the details in his draws are complex, for me this guy is one of the GREATEST Comic Book Artists that have existed...

  • This guy is the MAN, his style is SO realistic, his artwork in general, Kingdom Come, Final Crisis, everything from him is awesome, looks real, but for that reason I don't like him as much as Adi Granov, but he is the great second in my taste.

  • His art is like a gas, heavenly, or at least the tones and the fading of the colours make it look in that way, the best example of this is on Silver Surfer: Requiem.

  • Its real but enjoyable, has great bodies, awesome faces, wrinkles, muscles, textures, expresions and awesome fights and movements, his art is perfect in his own way, perfect for any issue.

  • His art has people, it has a look that I could see in the real life that reminds me to the real people, even the wrinkles and textures, also his fights, he has nice fights in his comics.

  • I met his art the first time in Thor covers (Thor 607-614) his covers were BADASS, just the covers from Thor 612 and 613 were cool enough to love his style, but it reminds me the Rambo movies posters.

  • His art looks agresive, perfect for fights or epic issues, his art looks violent.

  • His art looks bright, but also with rought texture, but in a reaslitic and likeable way, he also has nice suit designs.

  • His art uses some dark tones, and nice expresions, his art is able to be used with almost everything.

  • In his art the characters have a contour that separates them from the background, the characters are lack of texture, looks sweet, shinning.

  • I like the stetic of his art, seems soft, thin bodies, nice textures.