
    Moon Knight #2

    Moon Knight » Moon Knight #2 released by Marvel on August 1, 2011.

    meteorite's Moon Knight #2 review

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    Does whatever a Moon Knight can?

    Possible spoilers
    So if you've read Moon Knight #1 (of the 2011 series, that is), you'll know how it's going. Moon Knight has three new multiple personalities in the identities of Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Captain America. In this issue, we get to see what this'll mean for Marc's war on crime. After a brief discussion between the personalities, the Spider-Man one comes out swinging to find out what he can about the Kingpin of L.A.!
    Most of this issue consists of Marc dressed as Spider-Man trying to fight his way through a strip club owned by the Kingpin of L.A. One of the things I enjoyed about this issue is that in the fight... Marc actually kinda sucked. When you think about it, a different identity who thinks he's a completely different hero would naturally have a different style, which Marc isn't used to. It makes sense, and it worked well. Another nice thing was that the webbing used was completely different to Spider-Man's usual webbing. The villain of this issue was some obscure character called Snapdragon. This was something else I'm pleased with: obscure characters escaping comic book limbo pleases me to no end, and I'm sure that somewhere out there someone is saying ''Oh, I remember Snapdragon. She's pretty cool!''
    The book ends with Marc being saved by Echo, and Snapdragon reporting to the Kingpin of LA. Although the Kingpin's identity wasn't revealed, I think I have an idea at who it is. If so, I think it's a good choice, as that character isn't used as much as they could be, and have a lot of potential. Echo is also a good choice; I don't know much about the character but of what I do know I like.
    So far, there haven't been any really bad moments for me. The way that the identities of Marc switched around reminds me a bit of what happened with Ultimate Moon Knight, but then again considering that it's from the same writer, it's natural. The fight dragged on a little longer than needed, but other than that there weren't any really bad things happening here.
    Bendis's run on Moon Knight is looking to be a good one, to me at least. The only reason I would recommend not reading this series would be if you're a Bendis hater. Maleev's art is on his usual par of being gritty yet sensational. It's still mostly setting up at this point, but if that's what leads to a great conclusion, I see no reason to complain.

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