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    With the Red Skull-fomented chaos borne from the death of Steve Rogers behind him, Bucky Barnes faces his future as the new Captain America. It's a future full of possibility as the hero emblematic of America's most cherished ideals and hopes. But Bucky is a man weighed down by a past as murderous as any bad guy the first - and in many Americans minds, the only - Captain America ever faced. And it is this weight that might crush the soul of the hero finally emerging out of the shadows and into the light. Brought to you by writer Ed Brubaker, the man who revived CAPTAIN AMERICA into an award-winning and headline-grabbing tour de force, CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE MAN WITH NO FACE follows the new Cap as he fights against a pair of deadly foes - one a well-known member of the classic Cap rogues' gallery and the other a reality-bending villain with a lust for revenge against Bucky's former self as the Winter Soldier. Collecting CAPTAIN AMERICA #43-48.


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    Holding Onto The Past 0

    We've seen James Barnes go through some extraordinary changes over the years. From the swashbuckling sidekick of Steve Rogers, the cold and calculating assassin known as the Winter Soldier, the burdened lone warrior trying to right his transgressions to finally a man trying to honour memory of a legendary hero and best friend as Captain America.   This is, in my opinion, the most personal story that Ed Brubaker has written for the burdened hero.  It is also the finest piece of comic book writing...

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