
    Batman Begins

    Movie » Batman Begins released on June 15, 2005.

    The first Batman film to star Christian Bale as the Dark Knight. This film kickstarted a trend in hollywood now known as the "franchise reboot" ignoring past movies, inviting a bigger potential audience with a fresh start.

    Wiki edit history

    Edit # Submitter Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
    1879444 KillerZ Movie The attached studios have been renamed, removing them 05/11/24 12:05PM 2 done
    1518130 aphillips17 Movie adding more concepts. 05/15/23 10:00PM 8 done
    1350574 Cosmic Cube Movie 01/17/23 07:16AM 4 done
    1350571 Cosmic Cube Movie 01/17/23 07:15AM 4 done
    1350009 Cosmic Cube Movie 01/16/23 06:05PM 4 done
    1350008 Cosmic Cube Movie 01/16/23 06:04PM 15 done
    1350006 Cosmic Cube Movie 01/16/23 05:59PM 6 done
    1071734 SlamAdams Movie 04/28/22 03:37PM 36 done
    977670 mshirley27 Movie 01/08/22 10:02AM 2 done
    903731 Hyjurocket Movie 10/07/21 06:50PM 2 done
    505102 Mock1 Movie 07/31/20 09:34PM 212 done
    458936 aphillips17 Movie adding a concept. 06/10/20 05:54PM 2 done
    337056 Kid_EST Movie 12/08/19 11:45AM 2 done
    278402 Riddlersriddle Movie Sensei does not appear in Batman begins, IMDB and the film's credits list the character as "Ra's al Ghul" and the actor's filmography calls the character "Ra's al Ghul decoy" - its just fan speculation that this character is Sensei. 09/07/19 04:34PM 2 done
    213982 aphillips17 Movie adding a concept. 04/16/19 02:14PM 2 done
    58446 aphillips17 Movie adding a concept 08/09/18 01:01PM 2 done
    41540 Darkside_of_the_Sun Movie 07/06/18 09:54PM 6 done

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